chapter 4 - Ramshackle Dorm

Start from the beginning

You:' this is not good, does that mean I'm never going back?there is no way I need to go back there is still something I need to do. A goal I need to achieve to get my revenge ' my anxiety started to kick in I tightened my grip on coconut he noticed my fear and he put his hand on mine rubbing on it and looking at me with his big Brown eyes reassuring me that everything will be fine he always knew how to calm me down.

Crowley:"Do not fret Young man" Crowley said he seemed to notice my panic and trying to comfort me" we shall go to the library to see if we can find any information"

You:"Hai" I said in a low voice keeping my head down and following the headmaster behind going out of the mirror room and followed him to the library.

The walk there was silent neither of us talked not that I want to anyway my mind was in another place trying to take in everything that happened today from going on a mission with my team to fighting Zabuza to falling in a river that is not even that deep and being pulled down to a mirror reaching its hand to me to wake up in a coffin and a talking raccoon trying to burn me alive then meeting the headmaster telling me I'm in twisted Wonderland and a boy school to a talking mirror with a mask that is telling me that my place doesn't exist ' my head is hurting with everything that's happening'.

In the Library

Crowley: "there really is nothing" we were now in the library looking at every book that could lead to my home " not only the world map but it's not right written in any history"Crowley closed his book turned around looking at me narrowing his eyes" where are you lying to me?"

I slammed the book that I was reading close, coconut was now on my shoulder and my hood was pulled down so you can see half of my face I turned around to him given him one of my glares if looks could kill he'll be dead right now ,does he really think I would lie about something like this?is he serious ?he's not the only one that wants me gone I did not ask to be here.

You:"NO! Why would I lie about something serious I wanna leave too you know I didn't ask to be here I was taking against my will and you have the nerve to accuse me of lying about my home!?" I was so close to let my anger out and destroy this whole place but I don't want to go back to my old ways.

I took a long deep breath trying to calm myself down "I just want to go home..." I whispered lowering my head looking at the ground coconut was rubbing his head on mine trying to comfort me God I love this monkey so much.


Crowley was taken back at his outburst but heard what he whispered at the end guilt and sympathy growing in him he moved closer to the Female or he thought was a Male put a hand on his back and rubbing it up and down trying to comfort the student ,you wanted to step away because you hate being touched there seeing how sensitive it is to anyone's touch but you didn't want to be rude so you stayed in your place

Crowley:"from the looks of all's save to say that you're from a another world"

You:"how can I go home then?" Crowley looked down thinking.

Crowley:"hmm, do you have any sort of identification? Like a wallet or something?"

You:"No all I have is this Rope and my friend coconut"I said moving my hands around my body seeing if I have anything on me looks like all my stuff I've had are gone even my my bag my aid kit my kunai and my notebook that hade all type of Jutsu and The forbidden one and some I've created myself.

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