should I be SUS? 

4.8K 77 34

Hmmm I don't know how to feel about this I don't know if is true or a scam because I've seen a lot of these and they all Fake And contact? Yeah I don't mass with these and A quick disclaimer I don't publish stories For views or popularity I just d...

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Hmmm I don't know how to feel about this I don't know if is true or a scam because I've seen a lot of these and they all Fake
And contact? Yeah I don't mass with these and A quick disclaimer I don't publish stories For views or popularity I just do it because I like to write I want to share my stories and to make people enjoy what I do and to let everyone know I'm not a good writer😅 like I suck expressing things And even if it was Real I don't think I will accept sorry  and 60 Million? it's a bit too extreme for me😅 like I'm not that good I'm a newbie I'm still new to this app I only have like 15-16 followers and only one story but I don't know you tell me you guys are more experience than me

A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland x a Naruto reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt