🥀 down the rabbit hole🥀

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"if I need to break the curse I need to change the ways of Riddle who is following the traditions and rules"

" kids aren't their parents trophies and kids achievements don't determine parents worth. The reason you're such a bastard isn't your parents fault, I finally understand that. You didn't make a Single friend to tell you off for being a tyrant in the past year, this is your own damn fault!"

" I am...I AM!!! absolutely, Definitely CORRECT!!!"


'I'll save you riddle'

(Disclaimer: anyone you talk to other than who already knows your Secret alone you talk in your male voice until I say otherwise)

(Another disclaimer I'm not the best in fight scenes so this may not be good or what you hoped for)

(Warning: a lot of time skips and PoV changes)


We stood in front of riddle or dark riddle glaring at us with pure hatred and bloodlust he made the first move and with his magic tool made more trees come towards us I run in full speed dodging them and towards riddle pulled out a kunai and jumped about to hit him but he acted fast and made a wall of spiky vines before I hit it I shifted my body and bounced on it then jumped over it landing a hit on riddle giving him a another cut he backed up holding his cheek and glaring it me.

Riddle:"HOW DARE YOU!!" He lifted his magic tool and was about to swing it.

Ace:"(y/n) duck!" I did what told and ducked down and and a big blue fire from behind me hit riddle making him scream.

You:"thanks" I said backing away from riddle and stood next to them.

Trey:" wait, did your voice just change?" Trey looked away from riddle to me looking surprise I realised I went back to normal voice I glanced at him then back at riddle.

You:" No time to explain we need to focus now" I said and run forward Trey still looked confused but shook his head and focused getting rid of the trees coming at us.

I ran towards riddle jumped up in the air and did the hands signs before I hit the ground I shouted.

You:"Earth style Jutsu: Earthquake" I slammed my hands on the ground and its started to violently shake making riddle lose his balance a few pointy rocks came out of the ground surrounding him making it hard to move for him.


Ace:" take that"
Grim:"Ffgnaa" grim fired and Ace made made strong wind making the fire bigger surrounding riddle making him scream.

You:"Deuce Square in the head" I yelled and deuce made a Cauldron fell on his head.

Trey:" wait you're hurting him" shouted Trey from the trees he's fighting.

You:" listen it's either us leaving few bruises on him or that thing killing him" I shouted back I saw a Cauldron fell on the woman behind him the glass cracked a little and a screech came from her and riddle screamed I noticed his eyes going back to normal for a solid second before they went back to murder.

An Idea came to mind I quickly run towards him he saw me and made a big Vine come out from the ground it pulled itself up and dropped at me before it hits me I dodged it jumped on top and run towards riddle then jumped in the air but instead of kicking him I kick the woman in the glass a another screech came from her I landed on the ground and looked at riddle to see his eyes doing the same thing and that's when I got it.

A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland x a Naruto reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon