Chapter 2: talking raccoon?

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     Is so dark...

You open your eyes seeing nothing but darkness you stand up looking around you.

You' where am I?' You start walking looking for anything that could help.

You' I'm like in the middle of nowhere what is this place?' You kept walking.

You:' there is nothing here' and walking.

You:'I'm all Alone' you stopped a tear ran down your cheek into your mask you hate to admit it but you hated the dark hated being alone it brings back very bad memories that you wish to forget....

You:"Naruto..Sakura...Sasuke...Kakashi sensei...ANYONE!? please...I don't want to be Alone..." you looked down closing your eyes tightly trying to stop the tears.

Then out of nowhere a bright green light appears from behind you you turn around to see a mirror.

You:'where the mirror come from?'

{Ah my dearly beloved}

It spoke you jumped out of surprise.

You:' it's a talking mirror!?' you walked closer to it wiping your tears when you got in front of it you were surprised, you can't see your reflection there is nothing there, then it started to speak again.

{A lovely and noble flower of evil~}


{Truly you are the most beautiful of all}

You: "s-stop" she didn't know why but she started to feel pain in her body her heart started to beat faster her head spinning she covered her ears but she can still hear it it's like it's in her head.

{Mirror mirror on the wall}
You:"Mirror mirror on the wall"

She gasped eyes wide open.

             {who's the...}
                                          You:"fairest of them all"

You heard your own voice speaking you couldn't control yourself, all you can do is close your eyes and pray that whatever is happening will end soon.

{Those who are guided by the dark mirror ....}
       {As long as your heart desires it...}

you open your eyes again to see a hand reaching out to you from the mirror you tried to back away but something was holding you down.

Take the hand that appears in the mirror

As if her body was moving on her own her hand reached out she tried to stop it but like she had no control over her body she couldn't do anything she is hopeless Once her hand touched the top of the fingers in the mirror it came out and grabbed her the grip was so gentle yet so tight as ifwas scared to let her go fearing it may never reach out again

{For me. For them...for you}


                                    {We are all running out of time }

You:"Time?...what time?"

{No matter what }
{Never let go of my hand}

Soon she feels her eyes close to a deep sleeper.
You open your eyes seeing again nothing but darkness you tried to move around but you couldn't you tapped with your finger trying to know your surroundings.

You:'am I in a Box?' you then heard a voice come from The other side

???:"dammit people are coming! Gotta find a uniform"

???:"Grr... it's stock. time for my special move" it said and You then start to feel something hot you saw blue flames starting to run around you pulled your leg up to your chest and kicked the Coffin open you looked up to see...


You:" a talking raccoon?" I muttered but he heard me and his expression turned to angry.

???:"i'm not a talking raccoon! I am the great Grim" I stared blankly at him.

You :"the great Grim?" I said tilting my head.

Grim : "yes, now human, give me your close"

You:" no" I plainly said and that got him more mad.

Grim :"if you don't then I'm going to roast you"Blue flames starting to roam around me I quickly vanished in cloud of smoke.

Grim :"what! where did he go?" The raccoon looked around for me while I appeared away from the flames and booked it out of the door.

Grim :"hey get back here human!"

I ran as fast as I can not knowing where to go while the talking raccoon was on my tail trying to hit me with his flames luckily he has very bad aim, I ran through a long hallways then opened a random door to what it looks like a classroom so I'm guessing I'm in a school  I saw the raccoon getting closer so I slammed the door shut and ran to the window and open it and jumped out as soon as the door was burnt down and the raccoon ran in and jumped out of the window as well I kept running left and right not knowing where to go but trying to lose him I saw a big door in front of me and I open it fast seen I was in a library.

You:"oh no" I said turning around to see the monster in front of me grinning mischievously.

Grim :"haha now I got you human" I got in a fighting stand ready to defend myself and use some Jutsu.

Grim :"you can't escape me now Hum-AHHHH!!"

You: "huh?"

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