Chapter 5 - The card of Ace 

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That's all you could hear with the sound of the heavy rain walking alone in the hallway with a bucket in hand looking for leaks to put it under it  Grim and coconut where doing something somewhere in the dorm.

You:"sigh... something tells me that Grim is probably slacking somewhere"

You still walking around checking every room mesmerising places so you won't get confused or lost,it was very quiet only the sound of rain drops and your footsteps were heard you felt a chill down your spine and looked back behind you since this world doesn't have chakra you can't sense someone Present so you start to feel paranoid.

You:'ok, goal number one is to learn how to sense someone that doesn't have chakra'

Now don't get her wrong she still can sense someone even if they hide it but they always slip off and reveal just a little bit of it but it's enough for her to feel it she is the best of her class even topped Sasuke in only One week of her arrival but to her there's still room for improvement

You started to feel cold and wrap your arms around you to warm your body up as you turn to a corner you start hearing noises behind you you quickly turned your head around to see nothing Shifting your eyes looking everywhere you continue to walk until you heard the Noise again.

You stopped dead in you tracks turn around both fists up and looking at the end of the hallway with a glare.

You:" alright who's ever in here better stop playing and come out, I'm not scared " you were a little but your parents didn't raise a scaredy-cat they taught you if you feel like you need to defend yourself or your property then fists up and kunai's out.

Unfortunately you don't have you kunai with you so you have to settle with hand-to-hand compact which you are the best at it and Jutsu.

Suddenly  laughter a echoed through the hall scaring her and getting her in a fighting position ready for whatever but to come out When she saw three figures coming her way

Three glowing figures Came to view and she took in their appearance they look different they weren't walking they were flying They don't even have legs they look Pale as paper they...they..

(Y/n):" spirits!"you blurred out looking at them you came upon spirits before when you were little you even talked to spirit of the last Hokages and they were quite fun to be around so you weren't scared anymore These three ghosts looked harmless and cute so you lowered your guard down.

Skinny:"haha we haven't had a guest in a long time...."

Chubby:"I've been itching for action" aannnnd put my guard back on case now I remembered not all spirit are nice and friendly.

You:"who are you guys?" they start laughing maniacally.

Grim:"hey who are you talking to?"Grim and coconut Came from behind a corner and froze when they saw the three floating figures.

Grim:"G-GHOSTS "he screamed.

Coconut immediately ran in hopped on his owners head growling at the ghosts (do monkeys  growl?)

Small:"Everyone else who lived here got scared and left" he Said with a mischievous smile but you can hear a bit of sadness in his voice when he said that.

Chubby:"how about you three join us? We are always looking for now ghost comrades hehehe"

Grim:"Uuu, uuuuh! The great magician grim isn't scared of ghosts , Funa~!!" He suddenly released a wave of blue fire from behind them but suddenly they disappeared appearing behind us.

A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland x a Naruto reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ