Chapter 3- News

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"Well, Kurt, it seems that you have both male and female reproductive systems. And... you are pregnant." The doctor informed. Mine and Dave's mouth both dropped.

"Wh-what? You're joking?" I asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Afraid not. You are definitely pregnant."

I looked over at Dave and then back at the doctor. "Okay. Well. Umm thanks. I suppose we'll be going now."

The doctor nodded. "Okay. Have a good day."

I followed Dave out the door, hand in hand. We had decided to walk, because the doctor wasn't too far away.

Neither of us talked. The whole thing was confusing me. But after a while I put all the pieces together. I'm pregnant, because I have male and female reproductive systems. That's it.

"You hate me, don't you?" I asked in a whisper and stared down at my feet.

"Kurt, no. I don't hate you. I could never hate you."

"Then why haven't you said anything?"

He sighed. "I was just confused. I just... I can't believe you're actually pregnant. But I guess it's possible."

"Are you going to leave me?" I asked.

"No. I will never ever leave you, Kurt. You're my everything. I couldn't live this life without you. Look, we're gonna get through this together. But there's one question... Do you want to keep this baby?"

I looked up at him. "I-I think so. I don't want to have an abortion. I think we should keep it, don't you?"

Dave slowly nodded. "Yeah. I think we would be great parents."

I smiled and pecked my amazing boyfriends lips. "I think so too."

"So, what about your mom? Are we gonna tell her?"

I sighed. "I guess we'll have to some time... just not today. I'm not ready."

He nodded. "I understand baby. I think we should tell my mom though."

I smiled. "Yeah." I had always loved Dave's mom. She's been supportive through our whole relationship.

"What about Krist, Chad, and Pat?" I asked.

"Yeah. We can tell them." Dave said with a nod.


"Mom, we took Kurt to the doctor today." Dave said. She looked at us with a worried expression.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. But we found out that Kurt has both male and female reproductive systems. He's pregnant."

She smiled. "That's so adorable! You are keeping the baby right?"

We both nodded.

"Aw!" She hugged us both. "I'm happy for you two. I know you may both be young, but I think you will be great parents."

Dave smiled. "Thanks mom."

"Your welcome sweetheart. Has Kurt's mother been informed about this?"

"No. She doesn't even know we're in a relationship. She doesn't like gays." I spoke up. She frowned.

"I'm sorry. But you should tell her. I mean, not today. But when you are ready."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Your welcome sweetheart."

"I guess I better be going home, it's getting late." I said with a sigh. I slowly stood up from the couch and so did Dave.

"I'll drive you." He said.

"I can walk."

"Your pregnant. There's no way I'm letting you walk home alone."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Okay. Let's go."

I gave his mother a quick hug before heading out to Dave's car. We got inside he pulled out of the driveway and started towards my house.

"I'm a little excited about this baby." I said with a smile.

"Me too. And, Kurt, if you ever need me, call me. I'll be there in no more than two minutes."

I smiled. "I love you. I love you so much."

He looked over at me for a second and returned the smile. "I love you too my beautiful."

"I'm just a little scared though, Dave. I mean, I'm still in high school."

"I know. But everything will be okay. Just think of how it's going to be when you give birth. We'll get married. We'll start a family."

"Thanks for not leaving me, Dave. I couldn't do this alone."

"Well I'm not gonna be an asshole who just gets you pregnant and then leaves you. Plus, I love you more than life."

"I'd die for you." I whispered and took his hand, locking our fingers together.

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