Chapter 2- The Nausea

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I opened my eyes slowly. I felt disappointed that Dave was already gone. Then I remember he left shortly after our event, because we both knew my mother would be home soon. I hate hiding my relationship with Dave behind my mothers back, but she wouldn't allow it. What else could I do? I couldn't let her separate me from Dave.

I slowly sat up in bed, stretching my arms. A feeling of sickness washed over me. I tried to ignore it, but couldn't. I ran into the bathroom and dropped on my knees. Quickly, I puked in the toilet.

"Ugh." I groaned and flushed it quickly. I felt of my forehead and cheeks, but I didn't really feel warm.

I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and went back into my room to get ready for school. Why would I have thrown up? I honestly don't know. Maybe I should go to the doctor.

I was still feeling a little sick. I just shrugged it off and put on some fresh clothes before heading downstairs to say goodbye to my mom before she left for work.

"Hey mom."

"Morning." She replied and kissed my head. "Ready for school?"

"Yeah. But mom... I don't know why but I threw up when I woke up this morning." I informed her. She felt of my forehead.

"You don't feel warm honey. Are you feeling okay?"

"Just a little sick."

She bit her lip. "Maybe it's just morning sickness. Probably nothing honey. If you want you can stay home. I can take you to the doctor when I get home."

"No, it's fine. I think I'll just go to school. Like you said, it's probably nothing."

She nodded. "Well okay. If you don't feel better, call me and I'll come pick you up. I have to leave now though. Have a good day at school." She said before kissing my head and grabbed her purse, heading out the door.

I wonder how she'd treat me if she knew I was gay...

I hear a soft knock at the door. I quickly open it to see a smiling Dave.

"Good morning baby." He said before he pecked my lips. I smiled and nuzzled our noses together.

"Good morning."

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Just a bit sore. And I kinda threw up this morning. I mean, I feel fine, other than a little sickness."

He shrugged. "I don't know what it is. Want me to take you to the doctor?"

I thought for a moment. "Okay." I pecked his lips. "After school."

He nodded and took my hand. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Let's go."


School was finally over, thank god. I no longer felt sick, but Dave insist I go to the doctor. So here we are, sitting in the waiting room, Dave's hand locked in mine. I wasn't nervous. I knew it was nothing. I shouldn't even be here right now.

"I think we should just go, Dave."

"Well I think we should wait and see what the cause was for you throwing up." Dave replied and then he kissed my nose. I smiled and sighed.

"Fine fine."

"Kurt Cobain?" A nurse said, looking around the room. Me and Dave stood up and followed the nurse until we reached a small room. I sat on one of those thingys as we waiting for the doctor.

"Would you ever be a doctor, Kurt?" Dave asked.

"Hmm... maybe. I think I'd like to do surgery. Ya' know, cutting people's bodies open and taking out some organs."

Dave chuckled. "Thanks for the description."

I grinned. "Your welcome my love."

The doctor came in, told us his name, and asked what the problem was. I told him about my morning sickness and he said he was going to do a few tests, which I'm not sure why.

But after the test was over, me and Dave sat around, waiting and playing twenty questions.

Shortly, the doctor came back and told me something I was not expecting to hear.

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