Had he used such an ability on Tom at the start, I wonder how differently things could have gone.

"A good thing I'm such a brilliant queen, then," I said with an air of smugness that made Snape grit his teeth. I pulled out the Philosopher's Stone from my pocket. "Your traps were laughable."

"YOU—!" Professor Snape's face turned purple as he trembled. He was at a loss for words with how utterly furious he was with me. The other professors were torn between anger and relief.

"When did you—?"


"What in the heaven's were you thinking?!"

"Christmas break," I answered, then nodded at Snape. "Really disappointed the potions weren't all traps."

The way his face immediately twisted told me: I wanted to. I really did.

I nodded in understanding. Yeah. I bet Dumbledore didn't let him.

Professor Dumbledore walked over to me, and I placed the stone in his outstretched hand. He had such a wide smile on his face. It was impossible not to smile back when Professor Dumbledore grinned at you. "You've done very well, Miss Potter."

"I wasn't alone. Fred and George helped me," I said, sensing he was about to give some house points. Professor McGonagall's face contorted like she bit into a sour lemon when I said that. She looked especially Done™ with the twins that year. Poor lady. On the bright side, as soon as I placed the stone in Dumbledore's hand Professor Snape visibly relaxed. Already I could see color return to him. The man was plainly terrified of having to go back to Voldemort. I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't want to be anyway near a wizard who was trigger-happy with Unforgiveables.

Honestly, I didn't even want to think about the mad red gleam in that fucker's eyes. The present day Voldemort was an abomination that needed to be scrubbed off the planet. I wasn't sure if someone liked him deserved redemption, but I had no intentions of finding out. If any pieces of him deserved a second chance, it'd be the closest thing to a child version, one where he had done no wrong and only needed to correct his line of thinking.

It would have been nice to have been born prior to his birth—and aware of the fact—then maybe I could have prevented a lot of needless deaths. I had browsed time magic in my free time at Hogwarts. Everything about it was in the Restricted Section. For the moment, what was mentioned in it went so completely over my head I couldn't understand most of it. I could vaguely recognize some equations used. It dabbled heavily in quantum mechanics which I did not study much in college, only my first two years as a "fun" elective. The rest of it kept mentioning ritual magic which I had no knowledge about and not only did Dumbledore remove them from the Restricted Section, but Sirius Black straight up ordered Kreacher to destroy any book related to ritual magic.

I could start using my contacts as Enáretos, but even if I obtained the books when would I have the time to read them? My only free time was at Hogwarts and it'd be difficult to read them privately without anyone noticing.

"It seems only reasonable that you each be rewarded 150 points, then."

Called it.

"That seems fair," I said with an easy smile. "And, uh, no detentions, right?"

Professor Dumbledore chuckled. "Perish the thought."

"Sweet. Next time you guys try to come up with traps, let me test them out for you."

"Should such an occasion occur again, I will be sure to call on you," said Professor Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "For the moment, though, I'm sure we would all love to hear about your daring adventure into the third corridor."

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