03 | drowned blood

Start from the beginning

Shit. Immediately We lowered our guns as they all three let a heavy breath out.

"What's going on in here." I turned around to see who was going to lecture us now but to my surprise, those Medusa-like eyes pierced right through me as he smirked.

Those eyes.

"The fuck Enzo." Isa voiced loud waking up to him and slapping his face. She quickly yanked her hand back, shaking it hastily in pain.

He instantly placed his hand on his cheek where she had slapped him while narrowing his eyes over to the boys in the living room, seeing enormous smiles on trying not to laugh at his reaction.

"What was that for?" he asked, his jaw clenched, rubbing his face in anger. I know for a fact if Isa wasn't his cousin, she would be six feet under.

"For not notifying us yourself, tio [dude]."

We both turned around to where we had heard the voice, seeing Lorenzo walking up to us patting his forehead with a towel.

"You may have turned the signal off, but you know how well I do my job."

He assured standing beside Isa resting his arm on her shoulder causing her to geek back. Laughing at her reaction, he wandered up to Enzo, hugging him sideways.

Only then had I realized how big those men really were. Lorenzo was a tall man and in all honesty, there wasn't a massive difference between them, but it was clear that Enzo was a bit taller than him.  

"Those are Silas, Augusto, and Leonardo, my chicco's [friends] and team. They were with me through these years," he affirmed, his arms crossed over his muscular chest. I couldn't help but stare.

His hair was all wet water dribs falling down to his white sleeveless shirt covering his muscular chest.

His body was extremely muscular, and his naturally tanned arms were full of blue veins and tattoos that were going over to his neck and further down his chest.

Not bad.

"You done eye-fucking me Bellissima?" He smirked, taking a look at me.

I rolled my eyes, cursing myself for starring too long, and left the room, not taking a glare back at him. Hot.

I went down to the basement and kicked open the old metal door waiting for the fun to begin. There he was, sitting on the floor tied down with a heated metal rope.

His face was bloodstained, and his eye was swollen from the punch I had given him a few hours ago.

I tried to spare him some missing body pieces, but he refused to talk, and I was a very impatient woman.

I walked over to the table sat with torture devices pulling out the red glowing heated knife walking over and squatting right in front of him.

"Who sent you?" I asked, spinning the knife in my hand. I needed a distraction, and this was a perfect way!

"I won't say anything." He spat, trying to move. I grabbed the heated flaming orange and blue rope and pulled it tighter to burn through his body.

His face instantly turned red and blue and his eyes shoot open as if he had seen the devil himself. I was no devil, but if he would not cooperate, then the beast inside of me was going to rise.

"Oh well, you asked for it." I scored the knife into his swollen eye, leaving cuts under, blood dripping down on the floor and on my hands. This bloody idiot was getting me dirty.

"You bitch." He roared from his lungs, pulling his head back away from the bloody knife.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Seriously?

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