Chapter 12

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Dione spend the night outside the cold doors of their chambers. He wasn’t allowed to enter so he decided that he will wait until morning. He thought that Phoebe’s anger towards him will be gone by then but, he was wrong.

Seconds—minutes--hours have passed but nothing has changed, he was still not allowed to enter the place. Those hours became days, those days became weeks, and those weeks became months. Phoebe was not that kind of person who will let something like that to slide and be forgotten.

It has been 2 months since that day. She cannot forget those words that Dione have told her. She forbid Dione upon entering their chambers, only the maids are allowed to go in and out from there. Dione, for the past days have never given up on pleading for her forgiveness. He would likely buy flowers for her and tells the maids to give it to her but when the maids get back, they only tell him the same thing.

But this time it’s different. Miranda Swoon-Bulwark the closest cousin of Phoebe is visiting her. Phoebe was eagerly waiting for her arrival. Dione saw her from afar. When Miranda went out of the carriage she can’t be identified as a girl. She was wearing a manlike dress. Her hair tied up high neatly and she is also taller than Phoebe.

On the first glance, Dione thought that Miranda was a boy so he hurried towards them. He held Phoebe’s hand but Phoebe then took her hand away like he was not there. Phoebe invited Miranda to go inside. Dione then finally found his way to enter inside.

When Phoebe and Miranda are sitting on the couch he also seated himself. When he tries to interrupt their conversation, hoping to join in, Phoebe would glare at him and he stops immediately. His eyes widened when he saw Phoebe holding Miranda’s hand.

“What would you like to eat? Oh, would you mind if I bring you some sweets? I’ll also make you some tea. By the way, it’s my very special tea. And I want you to be the first one to taste it.” Phoebe said as she holds Miranda’s hand.

“Anything is okay Phoebe.” Miranda said.
Phoebe stood up and went to get something to eat. Baleful followed her to give assistance to her. Both Dione and Miranda was left sitting quietly. Suddenly Miranda breaks the silence between the both of them.

“She has still haven’t changed. You know when we are little we used to play a lot. Then, something happened. I have done something that I shouldn’t have.” Miranda said.

“I do not understand.” Dione said.

“Well, during that time. I keep something important from her. It was her precious toy. I thought it would be fun if I hide it to tease her for a bit and make her look for it. But that was all I thought. When she asked me if I saw her toy, I said ‘NO!’. she then said that she saw me hide it. I lied and told her that she was just making that up.”

“So what happened next?” Dione said.

“*sigh* She went to get her toy from the place where I hid it. She was so mad at me for lying to her. I didn’t know that she was not in the mood to play games with me. She never talked to me, she even ignored me for almost 1 week and a half. And after that I stopped doing those kinds of things that would make her mad at me again.”

“So how did you two reconciled?” Dione asked.

“Well, I said sorry to her and begged her forgiveness for almost a whole day kneeling in front of her room while she was studying. I guess….nah! never mind. So what did you do to make her treat you that way?”

“I guess, something that I mustn’t have done in the first place. But I didn’t know that it would lead her for almost 2 months until now….that she ignores me.”

“HAHAHA! What did you say? 2 months? HAHAHA! That’s really serious. You must try to talk to her and tell her that you’re really sorry.”

Dione was about to say something when Phoebe came with a lot of sweets and tea with Baleful helping her. She gave Miranda with some of those sweets and didn’t give any to Dione. After a long talk with Miranda, Miranda then gave her goodbye.

“Are you really not staying for the night?” Phoebe asked.

“No, maybe next time. I need to go Phoebe. I must leave before the dusk. I have something I needed to do. I’ll see you again sometime. Always take good care of yourself. Bye!” Miranda said while poking out her head on the window of the carriage.

“I’ll miss you so much. Please tell Mother and Father that I am doing fine here. Tell them that they should not be worry about me.”

“I’ll surely pass that message to them.” Miranda said.

The carriage left the palace. Before Phoebe could take more steps, she lost her balance but luckily she didn’t fell on the ground. Dione catches her before she falls. He hurried to get her inside, carefully laying her on the bed and orders the maids to send the doctor of the royal family immediately.

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