Chapter 1

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Her mother, the queen, has been watching her for the past three days. Even how hard she tries to convince her daughter to stop, Phoebe doesn’t listen to her.

She can’t even eat her own meal knowing that her daughter was suffering. Until this day, she had enough of it. The queen rushed to her husband, the king, to beg him to make their daughter stop what she’s doing.

“Please My Lord, just this once. Are you trying to get your own daughter killed? Did you know that she’s been kneeling there for the past three days? Are you not concerned that she might get illness because of that decision you’ve made for her? Please My Lord, I’m begging you! Have mercy on your daughter. Please!” Pandora pleaded.

The king saw everything, he was so proud of his daughter for her great dedication, but at the same time, brokenhearted for he could never break his word. That was the only way to make peace between the two kingdoms. Even if it hurts him so much to see his own daughter, the princess, suffers he could never do anything about her request.

“I understand My Queen, but there’s nothing I could do about her wedding. I’ll stop her from her doings right this time and make sure that she’d be well treated after she marries Prince Dione from the other kingdom. Don’t worry I’ll talk to her.” Hyperion said as he wipes his queen's tears away.

He stood up and went outside the palace to take her daughter inside. The king didn’t bother even if Phoebe was soaking wet from the rain. After entering the palace with his daughter, he ordered his servants to prepare Phoebe’s dress to change with.

The servants moved fast to bring all the things that the king ordered them to bring.
After changing to her new clothes. The king sat in his seat, he waited for Phoebe to speak.

“Father, this princess doesn’t want to marry the son form the other kingdom. This princess doesn’t want to leave both you and mother. I do not want to leave this kingdom. This kingdom is where I, myself, the princess, have made a lot of good memories. I do not want to leave you like this Your Majesties. This princess wants to live with you until she grows old.“ Phoebe explained to his father.

“I understand how you feel right now my daughter, but you, My Princess, have known it for so long that you must marry the son of the Rhapsody Kingdom in order for our kingdoms to live with peace. And even if I do something right now, I could never break my word that has been given off. You must understand that this decision is also hard for me. Letting you go, was not an easy choice to pick.” King Hyperion said.

Without any other word Phoebe accepted what her father just said. She already knew that this day would come but she never expected it to be so sooner. She wanted to spend more time with her parents before her wedding.

“This princess understands what her father, the king, wants. This princess will follow your command. This princess had given her word and she will never break it. She will never do anything that would make you, Your Majesties to distrust her. If you may excuse me, this princess wants to go to her chambers to take some rest and prepare for the near wedding. She must also reflect with the mistakes that she had done for the past three days.” Phoebe said before she walks outside the king’s palace to her chambers.

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