Chapter 6

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Waking up by the sun beams that passes through a small entrance from her window. Phoebe gently rubbed her eyes by the back of her hand. Afterwards, she then went to her bathroom to wash herself up.

“Your Majesty, I am here together with these other servants, we are ordered to help you get ready for your wedding this afternoon. Please let us enter the room to help you bathe. These other servants will prepare your dress here outside the bathroom so you can wear them after your bathe, Your Majesty.” Baleful said from the other side of the door.

“You may enter the room, also, this princess wants to thank you for being here with me to help me prepare.” Phoebe said from the other side of the door.

Baleful, together with the other two maids entered the room. The other three left started to prepare Phoebe’s dress. A few moments have past and Phoebe’s done bathing. She walked outside the bathroom followed by Baleful and the other two maids that was with her.

Phoebe didn’t bother to wash her hair for before she slept last night she already taken a bath and washed her hair. The maids started to put the dress that was laying down on the bed. There was a lot of layers before the final piece was put on.

After her dress was done. The maids fixed and tied her hair up, leaving small pieces of hair down on both side of her cheeks. Her lips colored in red-shade lipstick that matches her light-brown eyeshadow. Her natural curled long lashes looked dazzling whenever her eyes blinks, adding some light-pink colored blush to her cheeks that completes her look.

Dressed in long silk-red with a gold lining in every opening of its end, paired with black-closed flat shoes with gold linings that makes it more elegant to look. The preparation took almost 1 and a half-hour to finish.

Walking out from her room the guards escorted Phoebe to the ceremonial hall. She rode a classy looking carriage on the way to the ceremonial hall. Arrived at the hall, a lot of known families are all present to witnessed the grand wedding of Prince Dione and Princess Phoebe.

She then goes down from the carriage, people looked astonished by her alluring beauty. Every young woman from the different families envies her for possessing such kind of beauty. She walked alone in the long aisle, her faced covered with red-colored veil with golden linings at the end.

Reaching the middle of the long aisle, Prince Dione was waiting for her. Dressed in silk-red with a gold lining that matches hers. Dione was looking all stylish and classy by his standing and cool posture. When Phoebe reached him, he held out his hand for Phoebe.

Phoebe took his hand and both continued walking down the aisle. Down at the end, a reverend started the ceremony. It was a long ceremony that envied by many. Young men and women wished that only they could swap places with Dione or Phoebe, it would be the most memorable moment for them.

After the ceremony was finished, all of them went to the big dinning-area that is only allowed to open for special occasions, there, different kinds of dishes were serve by the maids of the kingdom. The newly wedded couple seated on the middle where all of the guest would see them.

People raised their cups to give a toast for the newly wedded couple.  Musicians played their instruments that made a really pleasant sound. Everybody was having fun, congratulating the newlyweds when suddenly--Promenade came walking inside looking mad.

She was wearing the same dress that Phoebe was wearing, but a different pair of shoes. She went to Prince Dione and Princess Phoebe’s table. Pulling the covering of the table, Phoebe’s glass cup shattered on the ground. The guests were flustered by Promenade’s actions. She didn’t care about the king and queen who was also there. All she knows is that she wanted to slap Phoebe’s face and didn’t hesitate to do it in front of everyone.

“You whore! How dare you steal Prince Dione from me? How dare you steal this most important day of my life? Huh! I knew it. For the first time that I saw, I know that there was something off with you. You, Princess of the Swoon or something? How could you steal someone else’s lover huh?” Promenade said after slapping Phoebe.

“Princess Promenade, what do you think you’re doing?” Dione said holding Phoebe in his arms.

“You, Prince Dione why? I thought this was our wedding, but why did you marry her instead of me that you love? Why my love?”

“Enough Princess, you know that I didn’t love you, you are just making yourself believe that I love you. I told you already that I will never marry someone who is juvenile like you. I didn’t like you as someone who I see that could be with me for the rest of my life. I liked you as a friend. Why did this happen to you princess?” Dione said coldly.

“No, you loved me. You’re just mocking me right now, right? This whore is the reason why you’re saying all these things right? You, Princess of the SWAMP kingdom? What did you fed my love that he has now forgotten of how he loves me? You must pay for doing such thing!” Promenade said.

Promenade was about to slap Phoebe’s face again when Phoebe held her hand and slap her instead. The guest gasp in surprise for seeing Phoebe do such thing.

“How dare someone like you accused this princess? This princess hasn’t done anything wrong. It was not the Prince’s decision to marry this princess. It was an order to make peace to both kingdoms. How dare someone like you call me ‘Princess of the Swamp Kingdom’? How dare you insult my homeland? Are you not taught with proper manners when you were growing up? I’m sure you did, for I know myself, this princess learned it all. So how come a princess like you doesn’t act that way?” Phoebe said, her eyes raging in fire. She doesn’t want someone to insult her homeland, the Swoon Kingdom, and will never forgive them for doing so.

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