I don't always look like this {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by Cicitomei22

Thanks for requesting and I hope you like it!

Byrce is too perfect for this world...

***Male + Female Readers***

"I really love seeing you dressed up like this." You told Brandon as you kissed him. Brandon had just finished filming his latest video and this week it was a video featuring Bryce Tankthrust. "And I simply love you." He kissed you before looking at the clock. "I'd better get sorted if I want to be ready for dinner with your parents." Tonight was the first time that Brandon and your parents were meeting on another and surprisingly, Brandon wasn't as nervous as you thought he would be.

Just then, someone knocked on the door and when you answered it, to your surprise, your parents walked in. "I know we're early but we just couldn't wait." Immediately, your eyes wiened as you realised that Brandon was stood next to you, dressed as Bryce, baring in mind that your parents had no idea what Brandon did for a living. Your parents looked at him. "You must be Brandon." They said, uncertainly.

"I don't always look like this." He clarified shaking there hands as he properly introduced himself to your parents.

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