Smoker's Area

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"Hang on, I can't hear you." You shouted down the phone as you made your way through the crowd. "Let me go outside." You made your way to the smoker's area and were surprised that there was no one there. "Okay, that's better. What's up?"

"I'm really sorry, I know that you're out but I thought you needed to know." Your friend said down the phone, sounding urgent.

"Know what?" You asked but were met with silence. "Come on, you're scaring me."

"I've just seen (P/n)." Your friend explained and hearing their name, you're heart automatically sank. "They were holding hands and kissing someone else but I don't know who." Tears began streaming down your face. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." You replied, quietly, taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I have to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow." You bayed your friend goodbye and hung up the phone before you burst into tears. (P/n), who you had been with for a year, was with someone else. You'd had a suspecting feeling for a while, but being as in love with them as you were, you chose to ignore it; rookie mistake. "Are you okay?" A voice asked and you turned around to see a man standing behind you with a cigarette between his lips. "I'm fine." You lied as he offered you a cigarette. You hesitated for a moment before you accepted his offer. You put the cigarette between your lips before he lit it for you. "Relationship trouble?" He guessed and you nodded, wiping away a tear. This was someone you had never met, and here you were about to open up. "My friend has just rung me. She saw them kissing someone else, but I don't know who."

"They're definitely shagging this mystery person." He said bluntly. Your eyes widened at his honesty and he immediately saw your reaction and apologised. "Sorry, I have no filter."

"It's fine." You replied, laughing. "It's good that you can just say it as it is. What would you do if you were in my situation?"

"Dump the fucker. They don't deserve you or your love if they can give it away to someone else so freely." You took a drag of your cigarette and nodded. "I'm Brandon." He held out his hand for you to shake. "(Y/n)," You replied, shaking his hand. "Are you a therapist?" This made him laugh.

"I fucking wish." He admitted, throwing his cigarette to the ground and stamping on it before he took a swig of his drink. "I'd made a fuck ton of money."

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