Arlo Dittman X Sacha Barbican

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*A/n* - I really love 'Magic Funhouse' and really loved Arlo and Sacha together. 

I will be doing an Arlo X Jimmy imagine too.


"I'm dying Sacha." Arlo said, as he lay on the floor at Sacha's knees, blood dripping down the side of his face. Sacha had knocked Dave out in an attempt to save Arlo from being killed by him. Arlo put a lit cigarette to his lips. Sacha smiled as she placed her hand onto his chest, and the other behind his head. "No you're not honey." She said. "You're going to be just fine." She reassured him. Sacha went to talk again but Arlo stopped her.

"Sacha." He said, not breaking eye contact with the woman that was staring down at him. "There's something that I've always wanted to tell you, and I fear that this might be my only chance."

"What is it?" Sacha asked. She had known Arlo since they were small children. They were practically inseparable and when he went into a coma, she would visit him all the time in the hope that one day he would wake up. Now he was awake, and she didn't take any day with him for granted. In this moment, neither of them had noticed Cliff, Jimmy or Manjusha gathering around them. "I--" Arlo started but quickly stopped as his eyes widened at the sight behind Sacha. Sacha's eyes also widened as she heard Dave speak behind her. "Time to finish what I started." He said, but hadn't noticed that Jimmy was stood behind him. "Turn around dipshit." He shouted, before knowing Dave out once more. Yet, not once did Sacha let go of Arlo.

1 Week Later:

"Hey, Arlo." Sacha said, knocking on the door of his dressing room. "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure! Come in." He smiled. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. How's the head?" She asked, nodding towards the small bandage.

"Better. I'm definitely not dying, so there was no reason for you to freak out the way you did." He laughed, and so did Sacha. Arlo had a laugh that was contagious, especially because it was a rare sight nowadays to see him laugh. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I just came to see how you were." Sacha stated. "But, I have been meaning to ask you; what was it that you were trying to tell me, when Dave was trying to kill us all?" Arlo's eyebrows raised slightly, and he bit down on his bottom lip. "This is embarrassing." He gave an awkward laugh as he stood in front of Sacha. "I wasn't going to mention it again, but seeing as you're here." He stopped and took Sacha's hands in his. "Sacha, I really like you, and I have for as long as I can remember. When I came out of that coma, I was so desperate to see you again. You were the one person that didn't give up on me."

"Me and Mrs Bory." Sacha reminded him.

"Well, yes but she thought I was just a decoration." He gave a small smile. "My point is, I love you Sacha." Sacha felt as though her heart was going to jump out of her chest. These are the words that she longed to hear for so long, and now it had finally happened. This was where she needed to be. 

"So there is a heart in there." She smirked, placing her finger on his chest. "I was beginning to worry for a second that you didn't have one." Arlo smiled at Sacha as she made her way closer to him. "Yeah, it's definitely in there." He said, as Sacha slowly pulled him closer to her, and kissed him. 

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