Chapter Thirteen

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Warnings - Mature, sensitive subject matter, adult content, language, violence, character death
"Are you going to be okay?" Damon studied Elena's pale face without letting go of her arm. He never predicted Elena would have been using the corridor after her doctor's visit.

She focused on the more important question right now. "Does Jenna know yet?"

Damon nodded. "I'm the one who told them." He called Liz as soon as he was out of the building. She said they'd already cleared the scene in the woods. Matt was riding along in the ambulance with Jackson to the hospital. He was hurt, but his wounds didn't seem to be life-threatening.

"Are they here?"

"Are you sure you're up to this?" When Jenna and Alaric met with the doctor in charge of Jackson's care, he'd implied they would have a long wait until they could see their son.

"I have to be." She kissed his cheek and slid her hand down his arm. "Go do your mayor stuff. I know someone will want you to make a statement. I need to stay with Jenna." She squinted her eyes closed and shook her head. "The kids."

"I'll call John and see if he can stay another hour." He pulled his phone from his pocket.

Elena pushed the glass door open and entered the lobby. Thankfully, there was a lull in activity, and she didn't have to encounter too many familiar faces on her way to the surgery waiting area. Liz Forbes and Quinn's family was nowhere to be seen, and for that, she was extremely thankful. She didn't think she was up to seeing them right now.

Rounding the corner, she caught sight of Jenna and Ric. Jenna sat on the plastic chair farthest from the door. She stared at the far wall but didn't seem to be looking at anything. Alaric stood next to her, using the wall for support, with his left hand on her shoulder. As Elena watched, Jenna reached up and took hold of her husband's hand.

Alaric turned and noticed her presence in the room. "Elena."

"How did you get here so fast?" Jenna studied her niece with confusion.

"I was already here." She took the seat next to Jenna. "Doctor's appointment next door."

Jenna nodded slowly. "Your sonogram. I forgot." She forced a smile. "How did it go?"

"Great." Elena wasn't sure it was right for her to still have any happiness left, not on a day like this. She fought to manage a smile. "It's a girl."

"Does Damon know yet?" Jenna's voice trembled slightly.

"Yes. He was there for the sonogram." Elena watched as her aunt fought for control. "Jenna, I'm so sorry." That was all it took. Jenna broke down in Elena's arms. Elena held her aunt tightly as they rocked back and forth. "Damon said Jackson's going to be alright."

"He will be." Alaric nodded. He knelt next to Jenna. "Jenna, shhh. He's going to be alright."

"I know, but..."

"No, we can't think about that now." Alaric shook his head.

Jackson's eyes cracked open and he looked around the room in confusion. Everything was so blurry. How did he get here? Where was here?

"Here you go." Jenna placed his glasses on his face.

He blinked a few times as he realized he was in a hospital bed. "What happened?" He didn't sound like himself. He swallowed and his throat seared with pain.

"You're going to be fine." Jenna ignored his question.

Jackson looked out the window. Pitch black. He shifted in the bed and saw his father and Damon standing in the doorway. "I'll be right back. I promised Elena I'd call when he woke up." Damon ducked out of the room and walked down the hallway to make the call.

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