Chapter Five

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Ratings and warnings: M - mature subject matter, adult content, violence, language

I don't own TVD or its characters. Only the plots are mine.
The elementary school choir sang Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, only slightly off-key, beneath the just-lit town Christmas tree. As the chorus began, four very grumpy snowmen joined hands with elves in fur-trimmed skirts and began to do what could only be considered a dance by parents or doting grandparents.

"Nathan looks like he'd rather be anywhere else." Elena pulled the camera away from her face as she turned in surprise at the unexpected voice. John wore a ghost of a smile as he watched his youngest two grandchildren. "But Emma seems to be enjoying herself."

"She's such a ham. She's been practicing every night this month." Elena tried to make her shoulders relax as interacted with her father. She turned her attention back at the show. Thankfully, Mrs. Johnston had the sense not to make her children be partners. Not every teacher understood that simply because they were twins didn't mean they were instantly compatible.

The song mercifully over, the dancers stood at the front of the stage and waved at the audience. Emma smiled broadly and beamed out at the assembled crowd. A natural performer, she waved and her curled pigtails bobbed up and down. She blinked at an insanely bright flash in front of her.

Elena's eyes followed the source of the flash, and she recognized the reporter from the newspaper that had been circulating among the crowd that evening.

Studying the faces around her, Elena was once again reminded how little had changed in Mystic Falls. The children dancing and singing tonight were the offspring of Elena's high school classmates. Her high school classmates were the descendants of her parents' high school friends. Nothing changed in Mystic Falls.

Which is why the newcomer bothered her. Not so many years ago, someone new in town would be the signal that something bad was about to happen. A new wickedness was on its way.

But that was years ago – a lifetime really. Even the vampire attack from months ago seemed to be an isolated incident. A case of a hiker being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Coincidence. Nothing more.

That was the refrain Elena repeated to herself every night. Mystic Falls was peaceful now. Trouble free. No supernaturals. Nothing dangerous lurked in the dark. She reminded herself of that every night...while she watched Damon locking the doors and tucking sprigs of dried vervain in the pockets of their children's coats...where they wouldn't find the plants and ask questions no one was ready to answer.

She reminded herself things were fine here. Peaceful.

But it didn't stop the niggling at the pit of her stomach. A newcomer was in town. No one ever came to Mystic Falls. At least no one came without an agenda.

"She reminds me more of you every time I see her." John interrupted Elena's spiraling thoughts. "Except for the ribbons. Your dad taught you how to pull ribbons out of your hair when you were two. Miranda could never get you to leave them in after that." The crowd erupted into applause as the kindergarteners stepped down from the stage.

"I didn't know you were coming." She looked doubtfully at him. They walked toward the sidewalk and stood beneath one of the ivy-wrapped streetlamps. The Christmas tree lighting was still new as far as the history of the town was concerned, but it had quickly become one of Mystic Falls' most popular seasonal events.

"It was a last minute decision. I just wanted to watch. Sorry." He smiled at the fuzzy snowman running to meet Elena, his eyes more than a little sad. He's watched Elena grow up from the distant sidelines. Now he was doing the same with his grandchildren. Nathan's fedora flew off his head, and John stooped down to pick it up. "I haven't seen them in a while. I knew you'd all be here." He looked Elena straight in the eyes. "I hope you don't mind. I'll be going now."

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