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Aubreys POV still

I hadn't left my room in 3 days. I hadn't eaten anything. I only drank the water that Hermione forced down my throat. She was the only person I let in my bedroom. I wasn't talking, nor moving. Just crying. Hermione would come in after classes and sit there making sure I didn't use the killing curse on myself. She was so scared when she had to help the body's with homework one day she asked for my wand. I didn't reply so she just took it.


The 4th day of not eating I started to feel like I was eating myself. I was losing weight dramatically fast. My normal Blue eyes were basically gray. "Aubrey I'm not letting this go on. You don't have to go to classes but you have to eat. Your loosing way to much weight and you haven't seen outside here in forever. I was silent the gave her a small nod. That was the most talking I had done since the incident with Blaise. Hermione had her wand in her left hand, and my hand in her right. She opened the common room door and looked out of the door frame for a second. Then when she saw it was empty, she walked us up to the great hall.

Draco's POV

Aubrey has been gone for 4 days now. I was getting so desperate I asked Potter where she was. He said he hoped I had and answer for that. I was picking at the pice of food on my plate when she walked in. Her hand in Hermione's, her head was hung low. She was the burst of energy in every room. Until now. She looked dead. Granger on the other hand looked like she was about to use that wand in her hand to kill a bitch. I stood up and noticed Potter did to. We both walked over there and Hermione had her wand pointed at both of us. "We need to talk. But she needs to eat. Now go." She demanded. Aubrey didn't respond. I followed Harry to the Gryffindor table just to I could sit next to Aubrey. She didn't move at all until Hermione took a cut up green apple and placed it on her plate. Then she ate the three slices and pushed the plate away. She looked up and saw something across from her. Without a moment to react he shot up and ran. Al of us turned to the professors who seemed to be giving us the same look. What the he'll do we do.

Aubreys POV

Hermione basically forced me to eat but everything stopped the moment I looked up and saw him. I just shot up and ran. I had no idea where I was about to go but I wasn't about to be around that fucking sick monster. Then I just slid down on a wall near the castles back entrance and balled my eyes out in fear. Then I heard footsteps coming in a distance. I looked up and saw Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco and McGonagle behind them. Draco was the first to move and he crouched down beside me. Harry followed suit on the other side. "Aubrey." McGonagle said extending a hand. I took it hesitantly and followed her to her office, Draco and Harry didn't leave my side. Hermione and Ron followed close behind me.

When we reached her office she didn't let anybody inside but me. I took a seat in front of her desk. "You've been acting strange lately Ms.Ryder." She started, "Could you tell us what happened or what is causing this?" She asked. I was silent for a moment. "Blaise Zabini." I said in a low raspy voice. Much different from my high energy normally. She wrote so,thing down then nodded for me to keep talking. I was again silent until I managed to get out, "He was touching me. Grabbing me... because of me and his brother." I was silent after. She wrote something down again. "Why?" She asked. I was silent for a good 3 minutes. Until I whispered, "He wanted my body and I couldn't do it. So Blaise did it for him." I wasn't talking anymore.

She looked at me and I didn't look anywhere other than my feet. "One moment." She whispered then left the room. Then I heard footsteps behind me. "We didn't mean to over hear but we did." Hermione said. When I picked up my head Draco looked like he was about to murder a bitch. Harry looked sympathetic. Hermione and Ron just looked scared. Harry rubbed my back like he did the night in the common room. I rested my head on Draco's shoulder. It was silent nobody knew what to say. I didn't plan on telling anybody anything. But I was better off telling a professor then lying because she would have just used a truth serum on me.

When McGonagle came back. She came back with Dumbledor. "Mr.Zabini will be expelled." McGonagle said. "Expelled!? He should be murdered." Draco said. "Unfortunately Mr.Malfoy although I'm certain most people in this room would rather have him dead, Nobody can do that without going to Azkaban." Dumbledor spoke. "You alol are dismissed." McGonagle said. I nodded and walked out with the only people I trusted. Draco and Harry had firm grasps on my hands and everybody looked like they were about to use the killing curse on anybody. Draco led us all back to my dorm and we sat on my bed.

"Why didn't you tell somebody sooner." Hermione asked. "It wasn't safe to." I whispered. "What did Blaise even want you for." Ron asked. This was going to hurt to tell in a voice they could hear but I trusted them. I took a deep breath, "Blaises brother Blake, and I use to date.. he always said how he wanted sex and pictures of me. I always told him no. I guess Blaise did what his brother wanted." I said. Moments after I said that Draco shot up and left.

Draco's POV

I'm about to murder this mother fuckers Brother.

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