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Draco's POV still

I walked towards the common room until Snape stoped me. "Malfoy." He called. I turned around and nodded for him to continue. "Is everything in line with Potter." He asked. "For now sir." I told him. "Keep it that way. It needs to last until we can get him back to his full strength." He dragged on. "I'm trying." I snapped. "Your distracted." He told me. "By what? What could possibly be distracting me?" I asked rhetorically.

I knew what would be distracting me, Aubrey Ryder.

"Ryder." He said In the most boring voice. "If you let her get in the way of you she's in the way of the dark lord, that will only hurt her." He told me. I knew this already. But she's safer with me than Potter. "And he won't hesitate to kill her." He finished letting me go. That was heavy to think about. If Aubrey died it would be;

My fault.

Aubreys POV

I laid on my queen size bed and thought. The only thing in my mind was Harry and Draco. Harry made it very clear last night that he liked me, and I wasn't so clear that I liked him back. I did like Harry. I thought he was really nice, and funny, kind, and he wasn't bad in the looks department. I was just scared to commit to any type of serious relationship with Harry. Because if something bad were to happen. All my friends in Gryffindor would turn against me. Leaving me with nobody. Well Draco. But he was off and on. His mood swings were quite annoying. Not to mention if Harry is telling the truth, he isn't the nicest either. I got so caught up in thought I almost forgot to check if I had made the Slytherin team. I shot up and ran out to the quidditch pitch to see the team list.

Draco's POV

I finally made my way out to the common room to see a girl, messy dirty blonde pony tail, crystal blue eyes you couldn't miss, perfect skin, and not much makeup. What have you done this time Aubrey. Was the first thing that came to mind, so I ran after her. She was quick with her mouth, and quick on a broom, but she wasn't quick on her feet. "Aubrey!" I called causing her to slow down so that we could talk. "Did you apologize." She asked still not looking in my eyes. "Yes. You can ask them yourself." I responded. She stoped walking completely and a smile grew on her face. She jumped up and hugged me, "Don't be a dick again." She muttered against my neck. I laughed. Aubrey Ryder was back. My Aubrey Ryder was back.

"Where are you running to?" I asked letting Curiosity get the best of me. "Quidditch pitch. Need to see if I beat you." She said smiling. "Me and flint talked about it. I'm the new caption and your the new seeker." I told her. Iv seen her smile. Iv seen her laugh. Iv seen her pissed. Now iv seen her beam. "Thanks." She said and kissed my cheek before heading back into the common room.


That night at dinner was odd. Dumblefuck was talking about the tournament Blaise and Aubrey no where to be found. I looked over the Gryffindor table a million times. I couldn't miss her. Her face, her eyes, her hair. You could spot from a mile away. I even saw Potter looking over at the Slytherin table. I didn't pay him any mind tho. That would be barbaric.

Aubreys POV

"Blaise fuck off." I said. "Come on now. Your going to be lucky. Most girls in this hell whole want to fuck me." He said like a damn idiot. "Touch me and I'll ruin your life." I threatened. "And I'll tell Malfoy about how you slept with Potter." He said. "I'm a mother fucking virgin!" I said in his face. "Did you not sleep on top of Harry." He questioned. "Blaise keep your mouth shut." I said. "I think Draco would want to know." He said. "Blaise I'll do anything just don't tell him." I begged. "Anything." He mocked. "Yes please just don't-." I was cut off with him pinning me against the wall and kissing me roughing. He was touching me and grabbing me and I hated every second. I tried to pull away but I couldn't his grasp on me was way to strong.


He left me there completely undressed crying my eyes out. "That's what happens when you fuck with my brother." He said and slammed the equipment room door. I quickly dressed and ran into my dorms. I didn't fell safe. I felt discussing. Violated. All because of Blaise being Blake's brother.

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