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Aubreys POV

As we walked in the castle we made are way towards the great hall. Instead of sitting with the Slytherins I was going to sit with people with morals. So I sat myself down by Harry and the Twins. Fred looked over to see who had come to sit by him. "Nice going there Harry." He said and Gorge whistled. I rolled my eyes playfully and was blushing again. Harry smirking and having the same blush I was. Me and Hermione we're talking about the up coming dark arts test before I met a certain Slytherins gaze.

"This may be off topic but Ron was right. I shouldn't go befriending a Malfoy." I said and looked at his gray eyes with disgust. She looked behind her to see what I was looking at. She rolled her eyes and we went back to talking. That was until the doors swung open. Beautiful girls walked down the middle of the hall. Ron looked so incited. Me and Harry laughed at him. Hermione looked over it. When the made there way to the front they went to an extra table dumbledor put out.

Then men in red coats with fur walked down. They all looked rather large in comparison to my 5'7 self. One of them looked over to me and Hermione and winked. I rolled my eyes, Hermione blushed. Ron didn't really look like he had seen anything. Harry looked like he was about to murder a bitch. Wouldn't be the first time he tried.

"You are probably wondering why these wonderful students from different schools are here." Dumbledor started. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host the tri-wizard tournament. If you wish to compete you shall write your name on a piece of parchment and place it into the flame." He pulled a cloak off a large looking goblet. "Be warned, its not for the faint hearted." He finished. Or so we thought, "Nobody under the age of 17 is allowed to compete." Then the whole school was pissed.

"That's rubbish!" The twins screamed. I had no wish to compete so I didn't really give a shit. "Silence!" He screamed making me jump a bit. Then the feast started. "We need to figure out a way to put our names in that goblet." I over heard the twins talking. "Your both going to get killed." I said but they didn't seem to hear me. So I just went back to trying random wizard food. The food at the Gryffindor table was much more simple looking. I just looked at what Harry grabbed and tried it. "Aren't you excited to watch?" Rom said. "This inter thing is completely barbaric! Having students compete in challenges they can die in!" Hermione exclaimed. Me and Harry weren't about to fight Hermione. We both knew thar wouldn't lead to anything good. "You do know that they host something called the Yule Ball along with the tournament, right?" I told the group. The boys looked up and so did Hermione. "They do?" Harry said confused. "Yes the school will host a ball for a symbol of union between the schools." Hermione finished for me. "How do you two know everything!" Harry said making me chuckle.

"Read a book and you learn a lot." I joke.

Draco's POV

I could see her talking to the mud-blood, Blood traitor, and Potter. She deserved so much better than those three. She was making them laugh and they seemed to be having a good time. Well everybody was talking about the tournament I sat with my head in my hand looking up at her every once and while. I couldn't figure out what I did. She was fine when I spoke to her in the common room. But why now was she being like this? It just didn't make sense. Was it something Pottah said? I thought. It made the most sense. He must of told her something while they were in hogsmeat. I'll talk to her later in the common room.

Aubreys POV

We finished dinner and I told them I had to grab my robes for in the morning. I agreed to spend the night in the common room with the rest of the Gryffindors. I made my way down into the Dungeons but I happened to run into non other than Draco fucking Malfoy. "Aubrey iv been-." He started. "Take it and shove it down your throat Malfoy before I do." I snapped.

"What the hell did I do!" He said rather loud and annoyed. "I don't know, maybe don't call my friends mud-bloods, don't be bitter to my friends, and don't hate anybody that isn't a slytherin!" I shouted. "Who the hell told you that!" He retorted. "Harry. And I believe him." I said firmly. "You really are going to believe Potter over me-." I cut him off. "Wow lying to your friend, good going Malfoy." I said and pushed past him. I wanted to cry, fight somebody, die, then do it all again. I didn't know what was happening with me. I just got my shit and left before I lost my shit on Malfoy again.

As I walked down the halls people didn't look at me twice. Probably because I looked like I was going to Avda Kevrda anybody who breathed weirdly near me. They left the painting door opened and I shut it behind me not wanting to be followed. When people heard it shut they all looked up at me. I scanned the room for Harry, Ron, or Hermione. "Harry's in here." A skinny brown haired boy said pointing towards a brown door. I nodded and knocked on the door, "Come in." I heard somebody say and I walked in slamming the door behind me. "Sorry." I mumbled before breaking down on a bed.

Harry's POV

She sat down on my bed and broke. She normally hid any emotion that wasn't happy. She never let anybody see her as anything but the funny girl who happened to be fucking hot. But she let me see a new side of her. She allowed herself to break in front of me. It meant a lot more than it should have. I sat down next to her and carefully put my arm around her. She hid her face in the crook of my neck and cried silently. "What's wrong.." I asked quietly. She pulled herself together enough to get out a few words, "Malfoy.. I thought I could trust him.." then she broke again. I rubbed her back and she was calming down. "Malfoy's a bitch." She said in an almost whisper. "Got that right." I said making her smile. Her normally rosy cheeks, tear stained. Her normally perfect eyes, blood shot. Her normally funny personality, broken.

"Iv never let somebody see me cry." She whispered.

"It's ok. Your safe with me."

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