I joined Ella at the table for breakfast.

“So Gabe slept in your room last night? I guess leaving for a few days does make the heart grow fonder.” She teased.

“ I fell asleep before he got home, some time after 10 o’clock. I didn’t even know he was here until I woke up this morning.” I pouted. “ But it was real nice waking up and seeing him next to me. I think that maybe, I do like him, kind of.”

“ I’m sure that he will be real glad to hear that.” Ella smirked.

“Please tell me he’s in not behind me.”

“Sorry Precious, I heard every word.” He hugged from behind and kissed my head, before sitting down to his breakfast.

“ Are you upset that I didn’t wait up for you?” I asked hoping that he wouldn’t.

“No, I got held up at the hotel, signing one last document and missed my flight. I tried to call you, but lost my cell.” He explained. “ Got any plans today?”

“ No, I wanted to spend today with you.”

“Good. Were spending all day together, just the two of us. I’m sure Ella can find some thing to do today. By the way Gavin, will be here soon. He will give us an up date on things with Max and then the poor guy is free for the rest of the day.” He reached over to grab my hand. Trying to let me know that Max would never hurt me again. I tried to smile, but it appeared rather weak. And we focus on eating our breakfast, and suddenly a chocolate chip muffin appeared on my plate.

“ There’s the smile I was waiting for.” I couldn’t help but grin, chocolate always make me happy. Gabe knows exactly what make me happy.

About half an hour later Gavin stopped by. He let us know that no one had seen Max since the day before he showed up at my house. He put in an unexpected vacation at work, with the excuse that he had an emergency out of town. Gavin was then off to take Elle to town and later lunch.

I went back with Gabe to his den. I was reading while he was taking care of a few business call he needed to return, so that we could spent he rest of the day together.

An hour later, Gabe sat next to me.

“All done Precious, what would you like to do next?”

“Can we talk? I really would like for us to get to know each other better.”

“Anything you want.” He said as he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

“OK,” I began “Why me?..I mean what attracted you to me from anyone else. You didn’t even know me.”

“True, but when I was buying the gift for Ella. I could see that you really wanted help me, not just make a sale. And then I overheard you talking to another shopper, asking about some cream for puffy eye’s and instead of selling her something. You asked about allergies and sinus problem. Then you gave her a solution to her problem without selling her anything.” He smiled at the memory.

“You can about people, I had just met you and I knew that your were a woman with a heart. You have kindness and a goodness within you that is not often seen. It was then that I wanted to know you better. But you kept rejecting me.”

I couldn’t believe that something I do daily at work would make a great looking man like Gabe, to notice me. It felt nice and it has been a long time since I felt nice about myself. So on impulse, I kissed his cheek.

“What was that for?” he asked surprised.

“Just because” I replied. “Why do….”

“My turn,” he continued “ In the weeks you’ve been here, why have you not called your family? They must be worried about you.”

“They don’t care about me.” I stated sadly. “ After my parents had my older sister, my mom was never able to carry another child to full term. I was adopted when I was six years old, my dad adored me. When I was sixteen he had a heart attack and died. My mother was indifferent to me. She never was abusive and what ever I needed I had. She just couldn’t love me. When I meet Max’s, my mother loved him, she always said I was so lucky to have a guy like him. After I was released from the hospital, my jaw was wired shut for a few weeks, I kept writing notes to my mother that Max did this to me. She would say it was the pain killers and I wasn’t thinking straight. Once the wiring was removed I sat down with her and my sister and told them every thing, but my Mom was angry for all my lies. She said I had no gratitude for all the blessing in my life. I left soon afterwards.

Thinking back, I don’t know if I loved him or was looking for a way out of the house.”

I hung my head down willing myself not to cry. It was hard to accept, but the only family I ever knew, did not care for me.

“I am sorry they did not take the time to get to know and love you. But I see a strong woman, your have turned your life around and did not let an ass hole keep you down.” He said as held me tight.

“Strong! Right” I scoffed. “ I tried killing myself three time, that's pathetic!”

“What!” He yelled pushing me away, so he could look at my face. “What do you mean you tried three time?” He ask with his jaw clenched tightly.

I sighed and told him the rest. “You know of the last two. Before I left home, I slight my wrists. When I woke up in the hospital, he was there with my mom visiting me. He put on a great act for my Mom about how we could overcome this and how much he still loved me. Once they left, I checked my self out and packed a few things from home. I closed my bank account, and once I figured out how much I needed to rent a place and live for a month, I had $150 left and a credit card. I bought a bus ticket for as far as $125 would take me. I kept exactly $25 for food.”

“You are strong, do not every doubt it. Say I am a strong woman.”

“I’m a strong woman.” I mumbled.

He tilted my chin so that he was looking into my eye, “say it again.”

“I’m a strong woman” I said a little louder.

“Again with confidence”

“ I’m a strong woman” I said it like I believed it. And you know, I felt just a little stronger. And it felt good.

“There is one that’s been bothering me. When I rescued you why did that ass call you Lina.”

“That’s easy, I legally changed my name to Sofia Ardere. I used to be Angelina Seallo. I took my birth mother’s last name and the name of my favorite sister at the children’s home for my first.” I explained.

“Sofia,” He paused thinking. The way he said my name sent chills through my body. “ I suits you. It is beautiful and interesting.”

I leaned back in to him. Unwilling to say anything, just letting my heartbeat return to normal. He thinks I’m beautiful. I couldn’t stop smiling. This man is too good for me. He make me feel whole, no longer broken. I like that feeling. Maybe I should take a chance with him.

“Precious,” He whispered softly as he kissed my hair. “Let me take you out for lunch.”

“We can leave the house.” I asked excited. I had been on the house nearly two week and was itching to get out. He nodded yes.

“Let me change quickly, I meet you here in twenty.” I ran out of the den and almost knocked Ella down in the hallway.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Ella, I didn’t see you.” I grabbed her arm before she could fall. “ I though you left with Gavin earlier.”

“He had one errand to run, but he’s down stairs waiting for me. See you later.” She waved, as she went to meet Gavin.

In my room I took a quick shower and changed into a sleeveless rust colored dress. It really showed off my natural tan. And a pair of beaded heal slip sandals. Before leaving the room, I decided to take a sweater. In Santa Isla Patricia you never know about the weather.

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