Chapter 12

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I woke up early the next morning determined to speak to Gabe. I knock on his bedroom door, but he did not answer. Not letting one setback stop me , I went to his office. Only to find that he was not there.

So I headed to breakfast, hoping that he would be there. Unfortunately for me he was not there. I asked Ana if she had seen Gabe, but she had not. She believed he was in his office, since he had not been down for breakfast.

I knew for certain he was keeping his promise, to keep his distance from me. I know for certain he had to use his office, so I decided to camp out in there. Choosing an interesting book, I settled into the farthest corner in the chair facing away from the door. I curled up in a comfortable position and began to read.

Four hours later and half way through the book, my patience paid off. Gabe enter the office, locking the door behind him.

“I can smell her, How am I going to get any work done? All can think about is her.” He grumbled.

I could hear him begin setting up his laptop and returning calls on his cell.

I was waiting for an ideal opportunity to speak to him, when he answered an incoming call.

“Stop!” He commanded. “Is this related to our contract? Is this call personal?” He paused, waiting for a reply. “It is? I’m hanging up Alexis, there in nothing personal between us. I explained the relationship between Sophia and I, you have gone too far. Insinuating acts and possible intimacy between us, deliberately causing friction in my home, I will not tolerate it. I am notifying you that I have brought these concerns to your father, and have requested another repetitive, if your father would like to continue with the current contract. If not I have contacted Ubani Wio Suppliers as a possible replacement. Finally, you are no longer welcomed in my home.” He raged, and forcefully slammed his cell.

I could hear the crack of the cell as it hit the marble top of his desk.

I gathered my courage, and stood from my hiding place. I knew he would sense my movement. No less than 2 seconds passed before he spoke.

“I didn’t realize you were here. I’ll leave.” He stated unemotionally.

“Don’t go, I want to talk to you.” I pleaded, as I rushed to the door in an attempt to stop him before he left.

“Sofia, I promised I would leave you alone. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” he said again with out emotion, but no longer moving towards the door.

“ I over reacted, I know that. But, I’m grateful it happened, I was able to realize something. Something that was in front of my face for weeks, but I was too blind to see it, Gabe I…” I tried to explain, before I was cut off.

“I get it Sofia, you hate me, I was leading you on, fooling around with Alexis and who know how many other women their might be. What’s the point if this? I know what you think of me.” He admitted dejectedly.

“ Do you really know how I feel?” I asked angrily. “Did you give me a chance to tell you? No you didn’t! Stop assuming what I feel and let me tell you. You exasperate me like no other, lately I don’t know if I should hit you or love you. Stop hiding from me!” I yelled irately.

With that being said I walked out of the office and went to my room. I really hate being angry, and I didn’t want him to think when I say “I love you” to him, it was pent up emotions. I wanted him to know it is from my heart, with all my love behind it.

It was still early afternoon, I decided to take a calming bath before taking to Gabe again. I was still determined on telling him those four words.

I love you Gabe!

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