Chapter 6: Closing Early

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Due to the inconvenience, The Dojo had to face an early closing. One by one, each customer left the club, some leaving in groups, some by themselves, others with dates, and some who had one too many drinks. Slash escorted them all out, making sure the drunk ones had cabs to take them home and keeping an eye out for any who tried to stay in after hours. Once Splinter had a full examination of his club's damages and discussed the plans for tomorrow night's show with Leatherhead, he returned to his office backstage to go over paperwork.

April began cleaning up, gathering empty glasses from the tables and cleaning up old cigar butts left behind. Her first night working at The Dojo started smoothly, but then things went down south. In her eyes, April saw the whole night as a disaster. She couldn't stop thinking about the event that happened with Raph. She couldn't help but blame herself for putting one of her idols in that risk. Not only that, but knowing that she is to blame for the riot that occurred tonight haunted her. Casey told her not to worry about it, saying that Raph has done stuff like this before, but it still continued to bother April.

"What if this screw up leads to Mr Hamato firing me?!" April asked Casey as they cleaned up the bar.

"Red, it's only your first day," Casey said, cleaning the glasses, "You're not going to get fired over this. Mr Hamato will probably understand that it was just an accident."

"But what if I do?!"

"Relax. Don't let this get to you. Just focus on your job for now, while you still have it," Casey jokes. April looks at him with an annoyed glare, "Um, sorry. How about you go collect the rest of the glasses at the tables and wipe them down? Get your mind off things."

April takes a deep breath to calm herself, "Okay..."

April did what Casey told her to do and went from table to table collecting dirty glasses for Casey to clean, cleaning up cigar ash, and wiping down tables. The band, The Mutanimals, were left to clean the bigger mess that was left behind from the customers earlier. Occasionally April would return to the bar to give Casey a new stock of wine or shot glasses for him to clean, dry, and polish.

"WHAT??" A displeased voice shouted.

April looks up to see the oldest brother, Leonardo Hamato, confronting the club's band leader, Leatherhead, across the room. He did not look happy.

"Now Leonardo, you have to understand this was your father's choice," Leatherhead tells the young turtle calmly.

"So after what happened tonight he's actually letting this slide?!" Leo asked, "This is ridiculous!"

"It was just a mistake and the solution is being fixed," Leatherhead tries to explain to him, "Here's no need-"

"No! There needs to be consequences! I'll just talk to him myself!" Before Leatherhead could stop him, Leonardo storms out of the room, heading through the Employees Only door and into Mr Hamato's office. Leatherhead followed him, begging the young star to not bother his father over the situation they were discussing.

"He didn't look happy..." April thought to herself as she saw them leave.

It was strange to see Leonardo look upset, angry even. She's never seen him have any negative emotions before in the papers. He was always known as the perfect shining star, so it felt strange for April to witness him like that, screaming and being upset, even if it was just for a short moment. It made her wonder what he was so angry about.

"Is he mad at me?!" April panicked.

Leonardo must be mad at her for what happened tonight, interrupting his performance and putting his brother in danger with the mad crowd. He must be off to convince his father to fire her. April began to feel faint.

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