Small World

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Dalton's POV
Dana, Jason, and I went back to the cabin later that night. Cole told us he was going to stay out on the Third Class Deck for a while. He's probably all worked up because he saw Cassidy. The two of them were pretty tight. They dated on and off for around 3 years. There were rumors of her cheating on him a few times, but Cole never said why they broke up.
"No, after all of the drama with Will and David leaving, there was this Ustream that I started out saying 'there's a point in someone's life where...' And the chat just BLEW UP!" Dana explained as we walked back to the cabin. As we were unlocking the door, some guy ran into me. A dark haired woman was at his side.

"Bro, watch where you're going!" I yelled as the man apologized. Him and the woman hurriedly walked away. The woman stopped and whispered something to the man. She turned around and, let me just say, it's not who I expected. Alex Moore turned around, hand in hand with Gabe Morales. For a few seconds, the four of us just stared open mouthed while Jason was probably witnessing the most confusing night of his life.

"Bro, I haven't seen you in forever!" Gabe yelled, running towards Dana. The two of them embraced for a few seconds, leaving Jason and I awkwardly standing there. When the hug broke, Gabe made eye contact with me. Everyone's eyes shifted back and forth from me to Gabe. I had said some pretty awful things about Gabe a while ago on Tumblr. There's no way he didn't see them.

"No hard feelings?" I tried, holding my hand out. Gabe looked over at Dana. Dana backed up and through his arms up, as if saying this is your call. It took Gabe a couple of minutes before he finally shook my hand. "No hard feelings."

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Jason broke the touching moment.

"This is Gabe, and his girlfriend, Alex," Dana explained. Alex waved. "Gabe used to be a part of our band. He was the other one who stayed with Cole and I." Jason nodded, obviously not wanting to know further details.

"If you guys want to come to breakfast with us tomorrow you're welcome to," Alex said.

"Sure! It'd be nice to catch up," I replied. "Cole's also with us, if you want him to come."

Gabe shook his head yes. The two of them said theeir goodbyes and were on their way. I continued to unlock the door as I was before. "Small world, I guess." Jason spoke as we entered the room. I plopped down on my bunk, the lower one under Jason's. I reached for my phone from my jean's pocket. Dana and Jason talked about something, but I was kind of zoning it out. I scrolled through my Tumblr feed, quietly laughing at the comments.

Cole walked into the room. He was smiling, though trying to hide it. "What's up with you?" Dana asked.

Cole shrugged his shoulders. "Yanno, just saved Cassidy from committing suicide. The usual." I looked up from my phone. The room was silent.

"You what now?" Jason asked, just as dumbfounded as Dana and I. Cole looked over his shoulder and shrugged them.

"Well, if you insist," Cole said sarcastically and started to tell the story. "...and then this guy was all like 'you're a liar.' Well, not in those words but..."

Dana and Jason kept questioning Cole about details he obviously didn't know. My phone beeped. Kitty, a former band member from my other Band called Fly Away Hero, texted. After I replied, I continued to scroll through Instagram/Twitter/Tumblr/ etc. I passed a tweet from Will Behlendorf that caught my eye. Wait, what? I quickly got on Instagram, knowing there would be a picture to go with the tweet. David Scarzone's picture was the first to come up. No way. No freaking way.

I sat straight up on my bunk, resulting in the other three boys to stop their conversation.

"Guys, we're all here," I said.

"Who's 'we'?" Cole asked.

"All of IM5. We're all on the Titanic."

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