Not What They Expected

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Cole's POV
Dana and I were escorted to the Third-Class level of the ship when we arrived. We has to go down 3 flights of stairs to reach the corridor. Our room was about 11 rooms in.
Dana opened the door, to be greeted by another man about three years older. He had dark brown hair and matching eyes.
He waved at us and got up from his bunk bed. I looked around. This was definitely not like the upstairs of the ship. The paint was peeling and the room wasn't fit for two bunk beds. The air had a slight musky smell.
"I'm Jason," our roommate said. "Glad to have you here with us."
"I'm Cole, and this is Dana," I said, shaking his hand.
"Is there another guy here?" Dana asked, eying the suitcase on the other bed.
"Yeah, but I didn't get his name."
Cassidy's POV
Justin opened the door for me and my mom. "After you," he said sweetly. I entered the room and looked around. The room decor was even better than the entrance of the ship.
The bed covers were covered in beautiful, vibrant colors with matching throw pillows. Silk drapes covered the round windows. Everything was just perfected, exactly how I imagined it.
I laid my suitcase on the bed and opened it. "No bother unpacking!" Justin yelled from the door. "The maids got that covered!" That wasn't what I was opening it for. Under a few shirts and dresses was a stack of sheet music. I flipped through the pages upon pages before I came to what I was looking for. I sighed as I remembered when this song meant something to me. It still does, I just can't admit it.
"Cass, you aren't still looking at that song, are you?" Justin asked, coming into the room. I quickly turned it over to As Long As You Love Me by him.
"Just your beautiful songs, honey," I said with my head turned so he couldn't see my eye roll. He sat down on the bed and looked at it.
"You know, I wrote that for you," he said.
No, you wrote it for Selena... I thought. "Of course I do," I smiled. He kissed me and walked over to the door where the maids were coming in.
"Cassidy, Justin," my mom said. "Time to get dressed for our first dinner on Titanic!"
I sighed and put the music away. This was going to be a long ride.
Cole's POV
"I call top bunk!" Dana yelled, throwing his bag on top of the empty set of beds. "Dana you always get top!" I groaned in frustration. I threw my bag on the bottom bunk and laid down. My eyes skirted across the room, just observing. My eyes landed on the other guy's suitcase. Memories sparked in my mind. A black V-Neck was exposed. Dalton used to wear one just like it all the time. I sighed, remembering how much I missed him. This was a really emotional subject for me. I decided to stand up and talk to Dana to save me for getting teary eyed.
"I can't believe we are actually on THE Titanic." Dana smiled. All I could do was nod.
The door opened. "Really though," I said. "How many girls do you think we're gonna meet?"
"Jason, you didn't tell me we had Roomates!" The other guy happily yelled. I rolled my eyes, this guy was gonna be annoying. Though there was something familiar about him.
"Dana?" I asked, he looked as if he were in a trance. I waved a hand in his face. He was looking behind me.
I turned around to see what he was looking at. The guy who had just walked in.
Dalton Rapattoni.
Dalton Rapattoni was our roommate.

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