Suicide Attempts and Accusations

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Cassidy's POV
No. I refused to believe I just saw them. Especially him. Justin hadn't let go of my waist and was making me feel claustrophobic. I tried to push the thought of Cole and all of his friends on the same boat as me for three days out of my mind.
Later that night, we had to go to another dinner. I wasn't going to be able to take much more of this. All my mom and her stuck up friends did was gossip about how the lower classes shouldn't even be aloud on board. I couldn't take her.
I pushed my chair out from under the table and left. As soon as was out of the dining room, I ran. I ran as fast as I could, given I was in heels and a dress. The tears had already started falling down my face before I could even stop them. I didn't even know where I was heading. Now, I was out on the deck.
I knew exactly where I was heading now. That made me cry even more. I saw it. The railing. As I ran, I passed a bench with someone laying on it, but I didn't care. Finally, I was there. I leaned over the railing to see the cold, rushing sea below me. I took in a deep breath. Without even realizing it, my foot had started to already climb over the rail. Then my other. I turned around to my hands were holding on, but my body was facing the sea.
"Don't do it," a familiar voice said.
Cole's POV

Cassidy turned around to face me. Her face was streaked with tears. Gosh, she's beautiful. Even when she's about to jump off the back of a boat. 

"Cole, get back!" Cassidy yelled. "Don't come any closer!"

"Cassidy, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over."

"Stay back!" Her voice broke. "I'll let go!" I quickly tore a piece of paper out of my pocket and through it in the water to get closer to her. "No you won't," I said quietly.

"Excuse me?" Cassidy asked, offended. "Don't tell me what I will or won't do."

"You would have done it already if you were going to."

"Cole, just go away! This isn't any of your buisness!"

Any of my buiness?  She was about to kill herself and she's talking about how it isn't my buisness? "I can't go now," I replied, hoping humor would hekp change her mind. "I'm involved now." I started to take off my jacket and undo my shoelaces. "You jump, I'm gonna have to go in there after ya."

"Are you kidding me?" Cassidy said. "The fall alone would kill you, let alone swimming with me."

"Not gonna lie, it would hurt," I continued untying my shoes. "But I'm a lot more concerned about the water temperature."

Cassidy was silent for a while. She just stared out into the ocean. I was slowly starting to win her over. Finally, she looked at me. "...How cold?"

"Oh, freezing," I said with my eyes big. "Maybe a couple degrees over. Water like that, when it hits you, feels like a thousand knives, stabbing you. All at once. Average cold water temperature is about 55 degrees or so. Water down there, probably 50 degrees colder, if not more." I was totally making stuff up off the top of my head. If you say something without hesitation, it sounds legit. "You can't think. Can't move. That's why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said, though, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you're gonna come back over. Save me from the trouble." 

"You're crazy!" Cassidy shouted, but with hesitation in her voice.

"That's what they all say," I said, throwing my hands up in defence. "All do respect, Cassidy, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a boat Just give me your hand." She slowly turned her head around. I grabbed her wrists as she turned the rest of her body around. I looked in her beautiful blue eyes. How did I loose her? "Was that so hard?"

Cassidy laughed. She lifted her right foot onto the the first rail. Her long, pale pink dress got caught on her shoe. Just before I could say anything, she shrieked and slipped. I gripped onto her wrists as hard as I could. Her legs were flailing, trying to find a place to put her foot.

"Hold on!" I yelled. I couldn't let her see me panic, no matter how much I wanted to. "Pull yourself up!" I couldn't do this by myself. I heaved with all of the power in my body, but it still wasn't enough. 

"Help me!" Cassidy screamed repetively. 

"I've got you! I'm not gonna let you fall! Hurry! Pull yourself up!" 

I could feel Cassidy trying to pull her weight. It made my job a lot easier. Her foot finally appeared on the rail. As I pulled, she was all the way on the top rail. Not able to regain her balance, both of us fell overboard. I'm just kidding, but we did fall on top of each other. I heard footsteps approaching. It took all my power not to kiss her.

"What's going on here?!" One of the crew members yelled at us. His eyes skirted to my shoes and jacket. "STand back!" Naturally, though sarcastically, I stood with my hands raised.

Cassidy's POV

Justin and my mom came running to me nearly five minutes after the crew member had called for them. They were keeping Cole and I seperated. A different crew member had brought me a large blanket to wrap up in. 

"What happened here?" Justin yelled. "What were you doing with her?" Justin charged at Cole. Luckily, he's never seen Cole, only heard of my ex-boyfriend. 

"Justin, calm down. He saved my life." Justin looked at me like I was crazy. "Well, I was, um, leaning over because I wanted, uh, to see," Of couse I coulnd't think of the word. I made a twirling motion with my hand.

"The prepellars?" Justin said for me.

"Exactly! I was looking at the prepellars when I slipped. If Cole wouldn't have been here, I would've died." Hopefully Cole caught on to what I was doing.

"Cole?" Justin asked. I saw Cole close his eyes as if he knew he was about to be murdered. "Where have I heard that name before?"

"I'm sure it was just from a movie, Justin," My mom stepped in. Of course, she knew exactly who Cole was. As I was about to say something else, the crew members hurried me away. I overheard Justin's bodyguard, Jordan, talking to Cole as we left.

"It's funny, you know. SHe slips and you have enough time to remove your coat and shoes."

A/N: Sorry I haven't written in FOREVER! I've been really busy. But I'm going to try to be posting more regularly. I might be starting to more fanfics. One called the OTP Games (Idea credit goes to CuteKidk) and one about Klaine from Glee. So hopefully a chapter from one of those stories will be once a week:)

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