Let Me Get To Know You Part 2

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Alex's POV

I knocked on the door to the boy's room. Have finally made the decision to join us all at breakfast. Thank God. I really didn't want to start this whole possible new reconnection with lies. 

I heard rustling from the other side of the door. Before long, the boy I didn't recognize answered the door. 

"Hey...Alex and Gabe, right?" The dark haired boy asked. I simply nodded and smiled. He stuck his hand out to me. "I'm Jason, in case you forgot." Good, I really didn't want to ask for his name again.

Cole appeared behind him, followed by Dana and Dalton. "Oh, my God, Alex!" Cole pushed through Jason and embraced me in a friendly way. 

"We just stopped by to tell you we were going to head up and get a table," Gabe finally spoke. "You guys can join us when you are ready."

Dana's POV

After Gabe and Alex left the four of us began to get ready. I grabbed my suitcase that sat next to the bunk beds, and started rooting through it to find an outfit. I was really hoping that this dining experience didn't end badly because, let's be real, it had all the potential to. I've known Gabe for like almost 6 years now, and I know he doesn't forgive that easily. Especially in a situation like this.
Everyone was ready within ten minutes. I grabbed my phone, and Cole grabbed his song journal, and we all headed out the door. 

"So is there any IM5 trivia I'm going to be expected to know?" Jason asked as we entered the main dining hall.

"Nah," I replied. "Only that Dole was the best bromance."

"Um, excuse you," Dalton said back, with fake hurt in his voice. "Colton was obviously everyone's favorite." He wrapped his arm around Cole's neck and Cole nodded in agreement.

"I'd argue that Wavid topped them all,"  a familiar voice came from behind us. Will and David were standing right behind us, listening in on our conversation.

"Guuuuuuuys!" Will excitedly yelled, running towards us with open arms. The five of us all embraced, laughing and yelling. We got a ton of annoyed looks from a bunch of old people but no one cared.

Once the group hug was broken, David and Will followed us to find Alex and Gabe.

"Wait wait wait," David stopped us. "Who's this?" He looked at Jason. We told him that we just met Jason on the ship and that it was practically fate that brought everyone together here.

From a distance, we saw Alex and Gabe sitting at a large booth. When Gabe looked up, a smile appeared on his face. He jumped up from his seat and embraced Will and David.

Cole's POV

The eight of us all squeezed into the booth in the corner of the dining hall. As the waiter came and served us all drinks, we all started talking. Talking about what we were doing on the Titanic, what was going on in everyone's lives, and, most importantly, when we were going to tell the 5ers.

"Well, obviously an Instagram picture is needed," Gabe spoke.

"Yeah, but I feel like a little more should happen," Dana commented. "I mean, this is the first time we've all been together in, what?"

"Since that interview I did with you guys," David answered.

"What if we did a YouTube video?" Will suggested. "We could do a cover and like explain everything!"

"That's a great idea, actually," Dalton replied. "They're going to freak."

"What song should we do?" I asked. Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, pondering the difficult decision. I went through some good old songs in my mind. Somebody to Love, Bye Bye Bye, Cruise, A Thousand Years-

Show Her Nothing But The Finest {A Colassidy/IM5 Fanfiction}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora