Just a Dream: Take One

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Will's POV

Once me and David ran back the room ahead of everyone else, I began to set up the portable recording studio. You know me, always prepared. First thing we need to do is assign parts. Since there are six of us, it should be pretty easy to have beautiful harmonies. 

The other five voices came down the hall. Once they all entered our room, we immediately began to get to work. 

It wasn't for another hour and a half before Cole finally joined us.

"We left you to take the a part of the harmony every time they say the title," David pointed to the sheet music we found on the Internet for Cole. He continued to tell him all his other parts while Gabe began to put on the headphones to sing. 

"You ready?" Alex, who was controlling the buttons, said to Gabe. He gave a thumbs up. Everyone was silent while Gabe sang his parts into the microphone. Hopefully this all sounded decent when it's done and over with. 

Once he was done singing, we decided, to make use of time, to start filming some of the video while everyone was taking turns singing. 

While David began to get ready, Cole, Dana, Jason, and Dalton left to film their meeting.

Jason's POV

We started off at the main door where we actually stepped onto the boat. Obviously, we couldn't film ourselves entering, so we just started with Dana and Cole carrying their bags.

"Okay, actually get in front of the door," I directed the two. "It'll look like you just came on that way."
Once I clicked record, Dalton gave the two a thumbs up and they began walking and looking around. It took at least eight shots before we could finally get one without them laughing halfway through. 

Once we finished at the door, the four of us walked back to our room to film Dalton and Mine's meeting.

Cole took the camera and filmed me turning the doorknob into our room. I sat down on the bed and waved to the camera. It took a lot longer than I expected it to take to film everything with Cole, Dana, Dalton, and I. Between all of us meeting, boarding, and Cole and Dalton resolving whatever had happened between them, it took over an hour. It 

"We should hurry," I said as I opened the door and began to walk out of it. "I bet they're already done recording all the-" I ran into a someone running. I grabbed her to save her from falling.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She looked up at me. I was completely mesmerized. She had beautiful, long reddish brown hair with gorgeous hazel eyes. Her makeup was done with bright red lips and a neutral colored eye shadow with pink blush. She wore black jeans with a flow-y, turquoise shirt.

"Y-yeah, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," She stuttered, staring at me. I heard a quiet laugh come from one of the boys behind me. 

"Hey, it's fine, no problem," I smiled at her. She stood back up on her own now, but still never taking her eyes off me. 

"Aubrey, we're going to be late," Someone called from the right of me, up the hall. A girl with long dark hair.

"I'm coming," The girl named Aubrey called. As she ran off, she kept looking back at me.

"Someone's got himself a girl," Dalton sang behind me, resulting in the other two giving more quiet laughs. Usually, I would reply with a sarcastic comment, but I just kept watching her run off.

"Yeah, a hot one," Dana replied. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cole look at him with a really, bro look. He looked back at him and shrugged his shoulders, as if saying what?

David's POV

When the other four guys joined us back in Will and I's room, it was a little past three o'clock. We didn't bother to go back down to get lunch, so we just ate in our rooms. Mostly junk food, but hey. We hadn't been done all that long before they came back.

Dalton was the first one to start his recording session. This video was coming together quite nicely. I couldn't wait for the fans to see it. Since everything was set up in our room, we couldn't exactly film Will and I's coming in, so we decided to go with Alex and Gabe to help them with their's. All we had to do was stand outside their door with our bags and act like it was our room, and no one would even know the difference. 

We got shots of Gabe and Alex holding hands, walking together, and going into their rooms. Their room was basically the same as ours. A basic First Class room, not a suite, but just basically like a nice Hotel room.

Once we got our desired shots of Galexy, Will and I filmed ours. Alex told us to walk down to the end of the hall and walk towards the. As we did so, she laid on the ground with the camera slightly tilted up, to give the video a cool angle. We got footage of the two of us sliding the key card in the door and walking inside. The only thing I don't like about filming music videos is it takes foreeeeeeeever. It took almost an hour to get probably thirty different shots.

Dalton's POV

Everyone was finished by the time the four returned. Dana was working on uploading all our recordings onto Will's computer and placing them all together. 

"Hey, guys," Cole said once everyone was back in the room together. "Cassidy and Justin and some of her mom's friends are going to eat with us tonight. He said he was 'returning the favor' since I saved her life, or something."

"Shouldn't that mean you eat with them?" David questioned.

"That's what I was thinking, but I don't know,"

"Who's Justin?" Will asked.

"Justin Bieber,"I rolled my eyes. "Her fiance."

"Woah, woah, woah," Dalton put his hands up. "You're saying you're trying to compete with Justin Bieber? Dude, no way. You're screwed."

I sighed. "I know, but I think she kinda can't stand him. When I was talking with her earlier, she never said if she loved him when I asked her."

"You asked her if she loves him?" Alex exclaimed. 

"I couldn't help it!" I yelled back in defense.

"Cole," Alex began. "You are so screwed."


Sorry this chapter kinda sucked, but it was one of those chapters that needed to be there. The girl in the picture above is the girl Jason ran into. Remember to keep reading, and if you missed it on my recent Author's Note, I made a trailer to this Fanfic on Tumblr. Unfortunately you can't copy and paste the link, but the Tumblr name is showhernothingbutthefinest just like the name of this story is. If you want the link anyways, It's in the Author's Note Chapter. :)

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