A/N 5

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I feel horrible writing this many Author's Notes in a row. Anyway, I have some good news for this story.

I have everything planned out for the next chapter. I know what will happen, when it'll happen, and how. For some obvious things, this takes place after they get into Beacon Academy, which means that we won't get to see the initiation, and we'll be starting a little while after that. I've had you all wait so long for this, so I'll tell you the time this will happen. It will begin on Jaunedice Part 1, and end at the end of Jaunedice Part 2. I also just found out that I can read the entire transcript on the RWBY Wiki, so I might use that to write, but of course, I'll be making changes to fit Grimmchild in. I don't know when I'll update next, since I might do this by also watching it with someone, but it depends on if I choose to do it while watching it or do it with the transcript. Thank you, to whoever decided to stay with this story.

Anyway, I'm going to end this here. Goodbye, for now.

(Hiatus?)Drawn to the Fire (Grimmchild Male Reader x RWBY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant