Chapter 1 (REMADE)

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Ok, here we go. First chapter to my first story. I hope people who are reading this like it. I may not get characters' personalities right, or might make a few grammar or spelling mistakes, so please tell me if I do.

Edit: Remade the whole chapter, with more writing experience and stuff this time. Hopefully better than before.

It was a beautiful day in the city of Vale. The sun was shining brightly as the citizens strolled through the streets, whether it be to work or not. A slight breeze blew through the town to keep the perfect temperature for the perfect day. But this isn't where we find our protagonists.

Instead, they were to be found in the forest nearby, on a mission. People had been reporting hearing strange accordion music coming from deep within the woods, and a bright red glow at night. Ozpin had sent team RWBY to investigate, and find out what this strange phenomenon was.

Yang yawned, putting her arms behind her head and said, "What did Professor Ozpin want us to do, again? I wasn't really paying attention."

"As if you ever do," Weiss retorted. She then sighed, "He wanted us to find out where the music and lights were coming from in this forest. People have been reporting-"

Ruby started yelling, "OH, WHAT IF IT'S A BAND?? That would be SO COOL!!"

Blake shushed her and whispered, "Over there!"

She pointed to a tent, styled with a screaming face on the front. There were two strange creatures in front of it, looking like mixtures between giraffe's and bugs. Another tent was to the side, but it was closed off. Ruby rushed inside, followed by her team whisper-shouting at her to stop.

Inside, they were greeted by the sight of a dark, red hallway. In the hallway was a small man, wearing a mask and an outfit similar to a jester's, colored in shades of grey and red. The mask had no mouth or nose, and lines going down from the holes for the eyes. He was playing accordion music, the same theme reported before.

He seemed to not notice them until they went up to him, he said to them, "Mrmm. You found us? Speak to Master."

They tried speaking again. They only got the accordion music as a reply. Continuing through the hallway, they entered a large auditorium the same color as the hallway. Fire pits hung from the ceiling, unlit. At least, they were, until a large puff of smoke suddenly appeared, a bright red flash shined within.

When the smoke cleared, a tall, thin man was there. He wore a long, spiky cloak similar to the design of the torch outside his camp. He seemed to have a shell as a head. No mouth or nose, similar to the man in the hallway, along with the lines through the eyes, which glowed red. Two large horns were on the back of the shell. Red spotlights shined onto where he was standing. Team RWBY all brought out their weapons, alarmed by his sudden appearance.

He raised his hand quickly and spoke with a gravelly, strained voice, "Do not be alarmed. Please, put away your weapons, my friends. I have no harmful intentions."

The four of them hesitantly put their weapons away. The man put his hand back in his cloak. He bowed, introducing himself.

"So, it was you four who found us? Well met, my friends. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe. You listened to our music, and followed its call to our current home. A fine stage, this is, a kingdom ready to collapse at the claws of a monster, perfect earth upon which our Ritual will take place. And you, my friends. Your own part is far from over."

As he bowed, Yang interrupted, "What do you mean 'ready to collapse at the claws of a monster'?"

Grimm stood up straight, staring down at her and replying, "You will learn in due time. As you began on your mission, your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire. Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required."

(Hiatus?)Drawn to the Fire (Grimmchild Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now