~Greatness Rising~

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"They came, they fell, and now greatness is rising again."
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Decades have passed since the fall of the Greencloaks and the fifteen great beasts. A sickness that spread over the land killing most of the marked and leaving the Darknights —  an ominous group claiming to be the second coming of the conquerors, to rule the world in the shadows.

However, as time faded, so did the legends of the great beasts — guardians who once held god-like states and ruled over the lands. The legends of a grand organisation of marked individuals who were once noble warriors who protected the land from countless threats. And the legend of four young individuals who, despite all odds, summoned four beasts of legend and saved Erdas from destruction.

Fifteen children, split between the borders of the seven continents, find themselves pulled into an uprising war.

The Darknights rule from the shadows, gaining more power as days pass by, the new Greenclaoks struggle to survive, hidden away in their new home, with a number of a dozen marked, and an ancient organization is uprising in strength.

The past seems to be colliding with the future. Ancient evils thought to be long gone are returning, and as dark legends appear, so do the light ones.

Split between three sides of an uprising war, these children need to decide between two choices...

To become a hero and save the world, or destroy Erdas as a villain....

Welcome to the First book of the Greatness Rising Series; co-written by LadyLeonoraLesso and Isronswara

Here are a few notes before you begin reading this book, and the series:
-This has LGBTQ+ characters such as Lesbians, asexual, and bi  kids.
-Later books will be darker, with topics of depression, loss, and much death
-These books will have a detailed plot, but will be written out in humor and such sometimes breaking down the fourth wall
-Not every character belongs to us, however the plot, concepts, relationships, and other ideas are ours.
-Please note that this is a first draft of the books, and we will be editing things later
-Comment and Like, we enjoy spam :D

-LadyLeonoraLesso & Isronswara

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