Chapter 16- The Other Hour

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Nick's POV

I was... confused.

One moment, I was outside Julie's house with flowers, talking to that creepy guy with the weird glasses, and the next moment I was inside a bare room with an excruciating headache.

"...ick, please! Wake up!"

I groaned and turned over, my head pounding. I sat up slowly, ignoring the nauseous feeling in my stomach. I looked around the bare room. No windows. No decoration. No nothing.

"What the-"

Just then, I caught sight of Julie. She was sitting on her knees a few feet away from me, her hands bound by thick, metal chains protruding out of the floor. 


I scrambled to my feet, but at that moment the headache was dialed up to 100. It felt like someone was bashing my head open with a hammer. I fell to my knees and groaned again, clutching my head.

"Take it easy," I heard Julie say. I crawled over to her, and while trying not to pass out, I grabbed the chains, trying to figure out a way to break them.

"What happened?" I asked. "Why are you all chained up? Where are we?" I heard Julie sigh.

"Nick, I don't know how much time we have before he comes back," she said urgently, "so you need to listen to me." I looked up in confusion. What was she talking about? I was starting to get worried.

"Who's he? Julie, what's going on?" I asked, fumbling with her cuffs. Julie turned her body so she was facing me. Even though I had no idea what was going on, my heart couldn't help but flutter when she looked me in the eyes.

"Nick, I know this sounds crazy, but you were possessed by a ghost."

I did a double take. What?

"A ghost? What are you talking about?" I asked, scratching the back of my head. 

"What's the last thing you remember?" She asked me.

I scrunched my nose, trying to think. I was walking to Julie's house with flowers to congratulate her on playing the Orpheum... and then that creepy guys quite literally stepped out of the bushes, grabbed my neck and... I couldn't remember anything else.

"Well, I was walking to your house with flowers, and... this guys started talking to me... nad I don't remember the rest," I confessed. Julie nodded, as if what I said made perfect sense.

"That man was Caleb Covington, and he's dead. He's a ghost."

I gave her an are you serious look. Was this a joke?

"You're pranking me, right?" I asked. Julie shook her head.

"Nick, I swear to you, this is a life-or-death situation. I'm not kidding. Ghosts do exist," she said desperately. I looked into her eyes and could tell she was scared. As ridiculous as it was, this definitely wasn't a prank.

"Okay," I said slowly. "I- I trust you." My head was spinning. Ghosts exist? Have they been right under our noses this whole time? Or had they just appeared? What are ghosts even like? Ugh. This was all happening too fast. Then I thought of something. How much time had passed since I was... possessed?

"How long ago did I meet this... Caleb?" I asked. Julie cringed. I could tell I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Ab-about two and a half weeks," she muttered. Somehow, although I was sitting still, I managed to fall forward and almost bask my nose into the ground.

"Two and a half weeks?!? You're telling me that I've been possessed by a ghost for two and a half weeks?" I exclaimed. Julie nodded, and my jaw dropped.

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