Chapter 3- Bobby

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Julie's POV

Ever since the guys found out they could eat, they had been tearing apart my house. Since they were still technically ghosts, they could eat as much as possible without getting full or sick. They were eating so much that I had to limit them to a certain amount of food so they didn't eat everything in the house. I had to run the the grocery store almost every other day so my dad didn't notice that the food was disappearing from the fridge.

It had been a week since the Orpheum now, and we had already perfected our newest song.

"It sounds awesome, you guys!" Luke said, beaming as he set his guitar down.

"Yep! We're gonna rock it at our next gig!" Reggie said.

"Our next gig? We just played the Orpheum!" I laughed, getting up from the piano bench. "I don't think we'll have another gig anytime soon."

"Actually," Alex interrupted, "I checked our YouTube thing yesterday. You know, where we put the videos of Edge of Great? Well, your dad uploaded Stand Tall after we played, and everyone in the comments wants to know when we're going to play again."

I raised my eyebrows. Alex must have learned about the internet from Willie, because I know that Luke and Reggie still have no idea what YouTube is.

"That's awesome!" Luke said. "We have to book a gig soon now, everyone wants more Julie and The Phantoms!"

"More like they want more you and Julie," Alex said, wiggling his eyebrows. Luke cocked an eyebrow and I looked away as I felt the heat rush to my face.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, confused. Alex and Reggie shared a sly grin.

"The comments were also asking whether or not you two were together yet," Alex said. I started biting my lip and trying to look anywhere but Luke, who sounded flustered as he said,

"W-we're not together! Why would they think that?" Luke said, sounding flustered. I felt my heart break a little. Why did he sound so defensive?

"Come on, man, it's like we said! Everyone can see the chemistry," Reggie said. My eyes widened and I was sure my blush could be visible from Mars. They had talked about Luke and I before? 

"Guys?" I said quietly, and all three of my band mates' eyes shot towards me, as if they'd forgotten I was there. "Shouldn't we keep rehearsing?"

Luke's face was bright red and he nodded vigorously, staring at his feet.

Before I could say anything else, my dad walked into the studio. I quickly slid back onto the piano bench, and acted like I had just finished playing.

"Hey, Julie, Mr. Wilson is here," my dad said. I saw the boys stiffen out of the corner of my eye. Oh no. Trevor Wilson, A.K.A Bobby, was in Sunset Curve with Luke, Reggie, and Alex back in '95. Even though I was able to convince them that revenge wasn't worth it, I knew they still had some spiteful feelings towards their ex-band mate.

"Send him in, Dad!" I said, forcing a smile. As soon as my dad left the studio, I turned to the guys.

"Don't do anything rash," I warned. "Just let me do the talking. He doesn't know about you guys." I turned to face the door.

"I think he does," Alex said. I whirled back round and stared at Alex, who was scratching the back of his head.

"How?" I whisper-yelled.

"I saw him at the Orpheum. There's no way he could have missed us," Alex said, and Luke and Reggie looked at him in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Reggie exclaimed, wringing his hands.

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