Chapter 6- Willie

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Luke's POV

I poofed into the studio, my heart still pounding in my ears. Did that... really just happen? Did I almost kiss Julie?

I did. I did almost kiss Julie. Is it because I-

I gasped as my knees buckled. I barely caught myself before I went crashing to the floor. I couldn't breathe. I was being crushed by the revelation that had just slapped me in the face.

I am in love with Julie Molina.

It explained why I was so jealous of Nick the day I went to her school a few weeks ago. It explained why I get this tingly feeling all over and my heart beats faster whenever Julie enters the room.

It explained why I wanted to kiss her so badly- and why I almost did less than a few minutes before.

Holy crap. I'm in love with Julie Molina.

"Bro? You okay?" Reggie's voice jolted my back to reality. I looked up and said Reggie and Alex sitting on my couch, staring at me.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm good," I said, clearing my throat. Clearly, I'm not a very good actor, as Reggie saw right through me.

"You sure? You look like you're about to pass out," he said, getting up and walking towards me. I sighed and leaned against the wall, staring at the piano. I imagined Julie sitting there, her fingers dancing across the keys, the morning sunlight washing over her from the windows behind the piano.

Reggie followed my eyes. He looked at me, a smug look on his face.

"Uh oh, someone's got Julie on the brain," he teased, and for once, I decided not to deny it.

"Yeah," I said, taking my eyes off the piano to see Reggie's shocked face.

"Wait, what?" He asked in a high pitched voice. "You're not denying it? I thought this day would never come!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past Reggie, walking over to the piano. I ran my hand tenderly over the sleek wood, as if it would fall apart at any moment.

"I'm done pretending, Reg," I said dreamily, leaning against the piano. Reggie slapped his hand to his forehead in shock.

"Wow, I- wow!" He exclaimed, laughing. "So you admit it? You love Julie?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I love Julie," I confirmed. As soon as I said it out loud, it just felt... right. Like everything was how it was supposed to be.

"Well, at least Luke's love life is resolved," I heard Alex grumble from the couch. I looked over to see him leaning his chin in one hand, twirling one of his drumsticks in the other.

"What's up with him?" I asked, jabbing my head in Alex's direction.

"He hasn't seen Willie since the Orpheum, and now he's getting super worried," Reggie sighed. "He's been down in the dumps ever since breakfast, I don't know what to do." I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Alex.

"Hey, bud," I said hesitantly. Alex barely glanced at me.

"Hey," he replied. I patted his shoulder.

"Willie's okay, you know," I said. Alex glared at me.

"You don't know that! Caleb could have found out he was helping us, and-" Alex stopped mid-sentence, choking back tears. I sighed.

"Where have you looked?" I asked, trying to be as patient as possible.

"Everywhere!" Alex cried, throwing his hands up into the air. "I've been all over L.A.! I've searched the entire city at least three times every day since the Orpheum!" He put his head in his hands.

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