Chapter 15- Tinted Glass

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Julie's POV

After Caleb took me back to the bare room and chained me up again, he just... left. 

I sat back down on the cold floor, still wearing the red satin dress. I sighed and picked at my fingernail, starting to wonder (for, like, the fifth time) what Caleb's real plan was. 

Why was he keeping me here? It can't just be because he wanted a new pianist in his band. According to what the boys had told me about him, he was smart, cunning, and, well... evil. I couldn't trust a word he said. He had fooled everyone as Nick- well, until he totally blew his cover by chasing me around my house, screaming "where are the ghosts?!?"

That last thought made me think of Nick. Where was he? What had Caleb done to him?

Nick and I obviously hadn't been very close until recently, and although I was over my fifth grade crush, I still cared about him. He was my friend, and although things were a bit... awkward after his confession, I wouldn't be able to breathe easy until I knew he was safe. 

Another thing plaguing my mind was the guys. Had they really come for me yet? If so, had they been captured? Or were they still searching for me?

I thought about Alex, and his ability to make me feel safe and protected. I thought about sweet, caring Reggie, who always wanted a hug.

And I thought about Luke. I had known for weeks now that I had feelings for him, I just never realized how strong they were until now. All I wanted at that moment was to be in his arms and lay my head on his chest while he played with my hair. But I couldn't do that now. I couldn't do anything at that time.

I groaned and put my head in my hands. I hated being the victim, sitting their and not doing anything. I hated being small and helpless... but most of all, I hated being alone.

I heard the familiar sound of a ghost poofing into the room and I sighed, mentally and physically preparing for whatever Caleb would say to me- whatever he would do to me- to make me join his Club.


I snapped my head up in surprise to see Willie running towards me.

"Willie!" I exclaimed, standing up and running towards him as well- only to have my hands yanked back by the chains. Willie stopped in front of me, looking at them.

"Let me take care of that for you," he said, and with a wave of his hand, the cuffs unlocked and clattered to the floor. 

I leapt forward and embraced Willie. He patted my back and I pulled back from the hug, smiling widely.

"I'm so glad I finally found where Caleb was keeping you!" He exclaimed. 

"Yeah, thank you!" I replied. "Can you poof me out of here?"

Willie shook his head. 

"Each one of these rooms has different rules," he said. "As for this one, ghosts can poof in or out, but they can't take Lifers out with them."

I groaned.

"Of course not."

"But I'm here to help," Willie said, grabbing my arms. "I don't know how long I can be here, but there's something you need to know."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked. Willie took a deep breath.

"I don't know how this is possible, but you can touch Alex and his band mates, right?" I looked at him in shock.

"How'd you know that?"

"Alex told me," he replied. "And apparently they can make themselves visible and touchable to everyone else now?" I nodded in confirmation.

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