Chapter 11- Julie's Chains

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Julie's POV

The black lights disappeared after blinding my eyes for less than a second. I blinked and looked around, realizing we weren't outside the studio anymore. We were in a room with cement walls and a cement ceiling with no windows, only a single gray door.

Did Nick just... poof? He's not a ghost, so how is that possible? My head was spinning and I almost jumped when I realized he was still right next to me.

"I'm sorry about that," Nick said, finally releasing my wrist and walking in front of me. "I was planning on bringing you here less... abruptly, but thanks to your boyfriend, I had no time to issue a warning." I raised my eyebrows. Why was Nick talking like that?

"Nick, what is going on with you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. Nick just grinned at me, a crazed look in his eyes. I was still incredibly confused.

"How'd you just poof?" I asked, and then slapped my hand over my mouth. Nick let out a cold laugh.

"That's what you four are calling it?" Through all my confusion, I somehow managed to glared at him.

"What do you want, Nick? Why have you been acting weird? What's wrong? Let me help you," I pleaded, my voice getting softer towards the end of my sentence. Nick laughed again.

"You still don't get it, do you?" He asked. I shook my head, bewildered. Nick sighed.

"I'm not Nick, you stupid girl."

Nick snapped his fingers and all of a sudden, his eyes rolled back in his head and he crumpled to the ground. All of a sudden, a man dressed in a dark robe and top hat was standing above Nick's lifeless body.

All of a sudden, I knew. I knew that this was the ghost who put the curse on the guys. I knew that he was the one that caused them so much pain. Rage coursed through my veins as the memory of Luke, Alex, and Reggie lying on the ground in the studio resurfaced. This was the one who almost took them away from me. This was-

"I don't think we've been introduced," he said with a wicked smile. "I'm Caleb Covington."

"I don't care," I spit back. "What do you want from me?" Caleb raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down.

"So feisty," he said, tapping his foot against the floor. "That could come in handy. You certainly live up to my expectations." I said nothing as he circled me slowly, obviously trying to intimidate me.

"You can be very useful. In fact, you will be even more useful than your little boy band." His finally comment pushed me over the edge. How dare he- how dare he talk about my boys after what he did to them? I started running at him, prepared to claw his face out, as I screamed-

"YOU-" but before I could touch him, Caleb snapped his fingers, causing my wrists to be jerked backwards by a force that I couldn't see. My feet flew towards my face as my body turned in mid air. I fell to the ground, stars popping into my vision as my back hit the concrete, hard.

"Ah-ah," Caleb said as I slowly sat up, grimacing in pain. "This will be far easier if you don't resist." I looked down at my wrists. The were in shackles, which connected to thick metal chains that were infused in the floor.

I opened my mouth to throw a few words in Caleb's direction that would definitely get me grounded, but Caleb snapped his fingers again and a black cloth appeared over my mouth, causing my swears to become quiet and muffled.

"I have some matters to attend to," Caleb said, stepping closer to me. "When I get back, I expect you to behave." He leaned down to look me in the eye as his carefree and bored expression became cold and icy.

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