CH 4: Confessions

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Kirishima's P.O.V

I just confessed my feelings to Bakugo he seemed a bit oblivious to that but I didn't mind I kinda wanted him to stay with me even if he didn't feel the same way. I blushed a bit

"Aye what's up with you you've been acting weird lately"

Bakugo said turning to face me as we walked to class. Ow that hurt he didn't know that the person who liked him was right next to him.

"Ohh it's nothing. D-Don't worry about it"

I said. God that was my time to tell him that someone was me.....he stopped and looked at me I turned to look at him and gave him a confused look.

"You can't fool me"

"What do you mean? I'm not trying to fool anyone I'm serious I'm fine...."

"I know you too much, more than anyone else maybe I know when your lying kirishima......"

"Dude just leave it alone"

I said walking up to the class 1-A room I sighed and at at my seat I didn't want to tell Bakugo what was up because my first attempt was so lame. But I knew I had to think of a reason on why I was acting the way I was......

(OC) Nia'sP.O.V(Yes, I added myself. Whatcha gonna do about it?)

I saw Kirishima walk into the class followed by Bakugo.I was in class early to study for an upcoming test. It was unusual for Bakugo and Kirishima to show up this early considering we had a free period after lunch.

"Hey Bakugo!"

"What extra?"

"Nice to see you too. How was lunch? What's up with Kirishima? Are you sick? You never come early!"

I bombarded him with questions. He looked like he was about to blow a fuse. I squinted my eyes getting ready to get yelled at, but I heard him sigh. Usually he doesn't tolerate any of this. So, him not yelling at me got me thinking.

"Lunch was.........eventful. Kirishima won't say sh!t to anyone, No TF I'm not sick I came early because I wanted to"

"Oh, okay I'm sorry to bother you........"

Something was definitely up, Kirishima usually says hi to me but he didn't even look at me. And Bakugo wasn't yelling at me which was unusual me and him usually argue and stuff he's told me multiple times it to get on my nerves and he doesnt usually mean what he says, but still he didn't even try to yell. It was odd. I turned to sit down and our teacher Mr. Aizawa

"Nia you can go on your hour break if you want........Hello Bakugo Hello Kirishima"

"Eh I'm fine I don't have much to do anyways, plus I'm pretty sure Mina and The others are long gone....but I can call Uraraka"

I chuckled softly and rubbed the back of my neck before pulling out my phone I was gonna talk to Uraraka and see if she knew what happened during lunch.

Bakugo's P.O.V

Kirishima walked into the classroom and I followed shortly. Nia came up to me and bombarded me with questions, I was about to yell at her and tell her to buzz if but I realized her body language. Like she was ready for it but she also looked scared then I realized how I'm always yelling at deku or someone so I let out a sigh and answered her questions. Mr. Aizawa got up off the ground and told Nia she can go on her break she then called Uraraka for some reason.

"Oh hi deku, What are you here for?"

I heard Nia ask. I whipped around and saw deku standing there talking to Nia. That nerd id so adorable and I wanted him. But I couldn't let everyone see that I liked him. Especially him his self. They wouldn't understand why I'd I have a crush on him why do I bully him.



Hey Potatoes Nia here I hope you liked this chapter of seeing Bakugos soft side because you never really actually see it in the show. I also thought why not add another POV instead of it being just the Mains but ofc if going to mainly be the Mains talking I just thought if we want to spice stuff up we should add how the side peeps feel and see stuff and maybe what's going on in their life's. That enough yipyap cuz yo girl is tired and Via I'm pretty sure I'm their favorite. I'm I'm your fav put #Nia/Tt for me. K fr that's enough goodnight/morning/Afternoon whenever you guys read this bye

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