Chapter 24

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*thought this song fit perfectly for the part, when they get back from the mall*

I got up so I could change into something to sleep in. When I came back, Tyler was laying in bed already half asleep. I slowly moved the blanket up and crawled in bed with him, snuggling myself closer on his chest.

Tyler just wrapped his arms around me in response. He kissed my cheek, before closing his eye's again. I smiled while I closed my eye's, drifting asleep in his arms.


Tyler was cooking the pasta I liked, while I came up behind him. I wrapped my arm's around him, to hug him from behind. Tyler smiled from my action, putting his hand on my arms that were holding him.

I rested my head against his back. Tyler hummed in response. I let a soft smile, when Tyler took a hold of one of my hands, while he continued to cook.

"That smells so good!" I told him, which made his smile deepen.

Tyler gently grabbed my arm to pull me in front of him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, while he rested his head on top of mine. I giggled, while grabbing his hand that was stirring the pasta. 

"Have you had the chance to talk to Marcus about you officially moving in with me?" Tyler softly asked.

I paused for a moment, just to scare him. Tyler began to get anxious from my long pause. I started to laughed.

"Yes I have. He told me, he already thought we had." I laughed, "He told me, he also was going to talk to me about, how I felt about him moving in with Alex. So I guess it all works out in the end." I explained.

Tyler sighed in relief, while he kissed my shoulder, all the way up to my cheek. I let out a giggle from his sudden action. Tyler rested his head on top of mine again.

"Thank god. Don't scare me like that!" Tyler joked, giving me a gentle squeeze with his arm.

I just laughed in response. I squeezed his hand that I had a hold of, making Tyler smile in reply. Tyler's hand's are quite bigger then mine, but it feels like they fit in my hand's so perfectly, when I hold them.

I made Tyler take me out so we could buy some thing's for the house. Tyler didn't complain. He seemed happy that I was already comfortable with taking charge of what we needed.

We went to a couple stores to see if we could find what I wanted. After we got some things, Tyler and I put in the back of the car. We decided to go to the mall, just to stroll around.

Tyler would make me try on outfits he really wanted to see me in. Every time I would try them on, he would call me cute in every single on of them. I ended up getting a couple of the outfits Tyler made me try on. 

We walked around to a couple more stores just to look around. I smiled when I saw a new book store sign. I looked up at Tyler, with puppy dog eye's.

Tyler just chuckled and kissed my forehead. I moved my other hand to hold his arm as well. I then began to pull him in the direction of the book store.

When we went into the book store, my eye's lit up. It was huge, it had stairs leading to a second floor, there was a coffee and sandwich shop inside as well. There was a seating area, it felt so calming.

"This seems like your kind of place." Tyler said out loud, while his eye's danced around the store.

I looked up at him smiling. I nodded my head in response, while I pulled on Tyler to get him to come with me. I looked through a couple shelves, while Tyler rested his head on my shoulder.

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