chapter 1

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    [ Earlier this morning] 

Drip. Drip. Drip. DRIP.  "Ugh we need to get that faucet fixed!" I complained while making a sad attempt to crawl out of bed. I grabbed my glasses off the night stand. 

The nervous feeling I had last night, still hasn't left my stomach. You see, today was the day that I get to leave the nest for college. I was excited to move out and start a new chapter. One that I was the author and in control my own life. At the same time, I feel like I could hurl at any given moment for these jitters. 

Moving to my night stand to check my phone for the time, I notice I had four miss calls and eight texts. All from the same guy. One overly out going, fully awake and too excited guy. Marcus Peter's. 

Marcus is something else. I met Marcus 8 years ago at a get together my mother forced me to attend. My first impression about Marcus was that he was on full on crack; I ended up realizing that was just his personality.

 Marcus is the only person I could say I am close with, oddly enough. Him and I are like two different breeds. He's loud and out going; i'm quite and mostly keep to myself.  

I decided to open Marcus's  obnoxious text's because I knew he would aggravate me in person  sooner then later,  if I didn't answer back.

 Dummy :))

4:00 am


                                                                                           5:30 am


                                                                                          6:00 am

                                                                                          6:23 am

My dearest wife please wake up from your slumber<3

                                                                                          6:30 am

seriously you're still sleeping? how bro, we leave  today. i haven't even slept one bit.

so get ready for me to use you as my own personal pillow *kissy faces* 

                                                                                          6:45 am


                                                                                         7:02 am

JANATHAN COME ON MAN. Dont make me come over there and wake you up!!!

 plz donttt I'll see around 8 anyways.

also "dearest wife" ? when did we get married?

since we started being friends. you're legally stuck with me for eternity :))     

 anyways see you around 8 sleeping beauty 

stfu you're so dumb. see you at in an hour.

read 7:05

For Marcus, college was his escape from his controlling parents and I can tell he was more then thrilled to get this show on the road. Finally putting my phone down I quickly took a shower and got change for our long drive. I just threw on a pair of grey sweat-pants and a light grey sweater. Just thought it would be best to just dress comfortable if the drive is going to be long.

 After doing one more check that I had everything I needed, I started to head  my way down the stairs to the entrance way. "JON" my mother hollered from the kitchen, "honey aren't you hungry?" she questioned waiting for my answer. 

 I haven't ate since yesterday morning because of how anxious I was. College means I need to step out of my comfort zone. it's going to feel like having two Marcus's in a room with me and that terrify's me. One is already enough to deal with.

 "No I'm okay, I'll be fine." I insisted. passing around the entrance way, I started to get more and more Anxious. I should be thrilled. I need to be more like Marcus and be so care free.  *ding dong.* Speaking of Marcus. "JON JON" Marcus's enthusiastic voice beamed through out the house "you ready?" Physically yes. Mentally no.   

[Current time]

"Jon Jon?" Marcus uttered concerned. Wow I must have zoned out for a bit. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I guess I am still pretty tired ha ha" I fake laughed to break the awkward tension in the room.

 " You got me a bit concerned for a sec" he chuckled, "it's not like you to just space out like that. Being here is getting to you huh?"  It felt like he was reading me like a book. I really didn't think he would notice that fast. Give in take, we have only been on campus for a half an hour.

 "Come on mannn loosen up" he whined, " this won't be fun anymore if you go all serious Joe on me." Marcus flopped on the bed right next to me. He moved his body to the side to look at me, causing some of his dark brown hair to fall in front of his hazel eyes. when he pushed his hair back with his finger tips, I could tell he was scanning my facial expressions to see if I indeed loosened up.

 I didn't really, but I didn't want Marcus to get concerned. "Wow that's a weird way  to say you're worried." I give him quick laugh. "hey, I gotta be good husband and check up on my dearest wife."  Marcus said holding back his laughter while he was waiting for my response. He was barely able to keep his composer. 

" Ha ha ha. Very funny," I mocked "but why do I have to be the wife?"  Marcus's facial expressions dropped and got all serious, which caught me off guard. "Jonathan. you're 5'6, you're favorite book is fault in the stars. Instead of going out with me to play sports, you rather us stay in and watch old runs of I Love Lucy. You can cook, you clean for fun and you always take bubble bath's," Marcus explained dragging me " do we really have to discuss this any farther?"  It felt like I was just read to filth, by my own best-friend. 

" Well if you don't like-" before I could get all salty, I was cut off by Marcus suddenly. "no, no, no. Don't get me wrong. I love watching it with you. Because It's something you enjoy. And I like seeing you happy." he said but more in a panicked way. 

There he goes again saying shit that makes me feel a type of way and not even realizing it. Marcus always say's what he's thinking, but right now it just feels different. 

Hours has past by while me and Marcus unpacked and got to take a walk around the campus. Classes didn't started until next Monday. So that gave us a week to get settled in and comfortable with our surroundings. 

Finally getting back to our dorms, I turned my phone to check the time. it was currently ten thirty pm. I ask Marcus what he wanted to do for the night while I pushed my glasses back up that were slowly starting to slide down. Marcus gave the most manic smiles. " I thought you'd never ask."  uh no. 

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