Fired Up/Finale

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Bucky was so nervous to be going over to Zed's house. He was still scared of being around zombies. But for some reason, Zed made him feel safe. Whenever he saw him, he forgot all about his mom's cancer, the squad; everything that stressed him out. He felt like he could really be himself around Zed, and that was scary. Bucky pulled up to Zed's neighborhood in his pink and green Mighty Shrimp van. He hadn't told Addison he was going. He wasn't sure why. He parked the van and hopped out. He felt nervous. Beads of sweat began to form on his brow. "You got this, Bucky. They're just zombies." He said to himself, walking up the patio. "Um, Zed?" Bucky peered into the backyard. He didn't see anyone. "Zed?" He walked into the backyard, looking around. Nothing. "Zed?!" He called out again. No response. He began to walk around the backyard, which was surprisingly spacious. He had underestimated the architectural talent of zombies. He walked toward the fence, noticing a shed in the back. He began to walk up, hearing some rustling. "Ze-"
"Oh, hey Bucky!" Zed hopped out of the shed, holding jump ropes. "I was just looking in here for some equipment we could use. Maybe. I don't know. It's up to you."
"Where is everyone?" Bucky looked around, feeling jittery. He wanted to tell Zed how he felt, how he liked him. How he made him feel happy. But he was too scared. What if he rejected him? Or worse, what if he didn't and Bucky couldn't be with him because of the disapproval they would get?
"Addison should be here soon. Bonzo and Eliza couldn't make it - they ended up having too much homework. So I guess it's just the three of us today."
"Oh, okay." Bucky smiled. He felt more comfortable now that it would just be the three of them. Yet, what if Addison was a barrier? Zed and her were close...maybe he'd end up third wheeling. "How about we go look for some more stuff in the shed until she gets here?" He blurted.
"Sure." Zed smiled. Bucky felt heat rush to his cheeks. They climbed into the shed. "Sorry that it's a little messy."
"It's okay." Bucky laughed. "I've seen worse. You should see my closet."
Zed chuckled, a full, slow bodied laugh. Bucky wanted to kiss him. But he tried to focus on looking for equipment.
"I think there's some pom poms over here from when my sister Zoe went through a cheer phase...ah-ha!" Zed reached toward the back to grab some pink pom poms that were on a small shelf. He was really tall, yet he couldn't reach.
"Here, let me help." Bucky went over to Zed and grabbed his arm. "If we reach together maybe we can grab it."
"Okay." Zed looked into Bucky's eyes.
"Three, two, one..."
They reached but came crashing onto the ground. "Ow..." Bucky touched his head.
"Are you okay??" Zed grabbed his hands, looking into his eyes.
"I'm, I'm fine. I think." Bucky stared into Zed's eyes.
"Good. I got worried for a sec there."
"I like you, Zed." Bucky blurted before the words could stop, not taking his gaze off of Zed.
"I-I like you too, Bucky." Zed smiled. Bucky stared at him. He didn't know what to do. But before he knew it Zed's eyes began to close and his face inched closer to his. Was ZED TRYING TO KISS HIM FIRST?!! Bucky leaned in. He felt the world explode as their lips touched. He didn't care if he was a zombie. He wanted this feeling to last forever.


"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Addison's voice boomed from the door of the shed. Zed broke away from Bucky. What did he just do? He didn't know how to feel. He had been so confused about how he felt for so long. But he didn't want that kiss to end. He wanted to stay in the shed with Bucky forever, just stay there, in that moment. "Addison!" Zed jumped up, knocking his head on a lightbulb.
"What-are you-are you two together?" Addison stammered.
"I-I don't-"
Addison turned and began to run. Zed heard her sobs before she could even leave. "I'll be right back." Zed looked at Bucky, smiling reassuringly.
"Okay, Zed." Bucky smiled.
Zed ran after Addison. "Addison! Wait!"
"What, Zed?!" Addison turned around, hands on her hips. She had mascara running down her face.
"Why-why are you so upset?" He reached for her arm. He didn't understand.
"Zed. Couldn't you tell? I've been trying to make a move for so long. I like you, Zed. A lot." She smiled through her tears. "I was going to tell you today, but then I saw you with Bucky. Are you dating? Why didn't you even tell me? I feel so humiliated." She looked at the ground. He didn't know how to process this information. He had only ever seen Addison as a friend. He wanted her to stay his friend. He cared about her. She had shown him nothing but kindness. Was that only because she liked him? Would she now be nothing but cold to him? He couldn't lose her.
"Oh, Addison. I like you. A lot. But as a friend. You're an amazing girl. I don't know what I feel right now, but I know that I want to see where things go with Bucky."
"Okay." She sniffled. "I understand."
"Thank you, Addison. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't-"
"Don't apologize, Zed. I was being selfish. It's not your fault that you don't like me that way. Let's just be friends, okay?" She looked at him.
"Friends." Zed smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"Hey, guys." Bucky emerged behind them from the shed. "Addison, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, yeah."
"She just had a bad day, that's all. But she's fine. Right, Addison?"
"Right." She smiled at Zed. He wasn't going to tell anyone what happened, not even Bucky.
"Well, I guess I should get going." Addison said. "I have somewhere to be actually. Um, I'll see you guys later, I guess." She smiled weakly. Zed smiled at her, mouthing, I'm here for you. She smiled and ran off. Zed turned around. "What are we doing?"
"I-I don't know, Zed."
"But I thought you hated me."
"I never hated you! I just didn't know what I was feeling."
"I knew I liked you from the moment I saw you."
"Yeah." Zed blushed at Bucky's confession. He couldn't believe a human liked him. And a cute one, at that.
"So, should we go out? You know, like on a date?" Zed asked. He was so nervous.
"I'd like that." Bucky smiled.
"Can I kiss you again?"

That's the end. For now...

Zucky - A Zombies Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now