Call To The Wild

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"I came to talk to you all." Bucky said cooly, pointing to Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter.
"So you squealed to your boyfriend about us?"
"I didn't say a word. Zed," he said, walking to him. "What are you doing here? How did you find this? Do you not trust me that much? Just because I couldn't tell you-"
"I was worried about you, Bucky. You would never abandon the squad. And everything with us, I, things just feel so distant. You closed off from me. I had no other choice." Zed turned sharply to the three werewolves and spoke confidently, "I truly had no intent of finding this, trust me. Your secret is safe with me."
"How do we know? We've never met you before. And clearly if you don't trust Bucky, then why should him and us trust you?" the leader of the group said, glaring. Zed felt panicked. He didn't know what to do. He had never fathomed that werewolves were real, let alone the possibility of facing them. His heart was beating out of his chest.
"I-" Zed stammered.
"Because he has a good heart. Zed has proved to care and help others. He wouldn't spread this. Right, Zed?" Bucky turned to Zed, giving him a pleading look.
"Like I said before, no, of course not."
"Hmph. Go sit in the werecorner until we finish our business." The leader, Willa, shooed him to a small area with a stone bench. He sat down and tried to listen to what was going on between Bucky and the werewolves, but he couldn't pick up everything perfectly.

Bucky looked at Willa, his heart racing. "I'm so sorry. I didn't tell anyone, I swear. I had told Zed I was going to the bathroom when he saw me leave the woods. I didn't think he'd actually search back here."
"But he did. This is seriously jeopardizing our safety here, Bucky. If more people found us, we could be taken. Used for experiments. We saw from afar how they treated zombies, how they do to this day. I can imagine we'll face much worse. We can't risk that. Zed seems trustworthy but, we really can't take any chances here, Bucky."
"W-what do you mean?" He stammered, his heart racing.
"Zed can't leave without paying a price."
"You can't hurt him. Please. We're in a difficult patch but I love him. Please don't hurt him."
"Silly human. We don't act with violence. What we mean is he needs to pay. Work. He needs to accompany you in getting the moonstone for us. And we need it as soon as possible. Our kind is getting sick without the charge from the moonstone." Willa began to tear up.
"It's okay, Willa." Wyatt said, patting her shoulder.
"No, it isn't. We could die. And it all falls under me. I can't mess this up. I owe my life to us werewolves."
"You won't." Bucky said calmly, nodding. "Zed and I can do this. I might not want to but we can. He knows what it's like to be scared and to be hurt. We can help you."
"Zed!" Willa shouted, nodding in her direction. "Come here."
Zed got up from his spot and ran over to the group. "What's up?" He said as cooly as possible, trying not to freak out.
"We need you and Bucky to work together to get us the moonstone. We need it in order to survive. Our necklaces are powered by its charge. It is apparently in the middle of your town, and we need you to get it for us."
"It's not a question."
"But, us zombies, if I'm found taking it, it could jeopardize our whole community. We e come this far, I don't want to risk it."
"I am sorry but you have no choice." Willa said. "It's too dangerous for us to go. We need you both." Zed nodded, stunned. This was so dangerous. He was risking his entire life, not to mention the lives of the zombies. And being with Bucky, having to spend so much time together, he wasn't ready for it.
"Thank you both. Report back tomorrow. Here are two invisibility cloaks that you can wear when taking the stone. Bring them back to us, we need them."
"Okay. See you tomorrow." Bucky said. Zed nodded and took the cloak, walking away to the woods. He was stunned. "We won't let you down." Bucky said, nodding and heading off. He clutched the cloak tight in his hands as he emerged closer to the exit, seeing Zed a few steps away. Should he go to him? He would be spending the next few days, maybe weeks with him. Maybe they could try to talk again. He missed him so much. He held his breath, and ran up next to Zed.



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