I'm Winning

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Bucky stood next to Zed, his heart racing. How badly he wanted to take him into his arms and never let go. He looked at the side of his face, seeing the slight sweat on his forehead glistening in the sunlight. It was around 6 am or so, the sun beginning to rise. Zed didn't say a word. He just moved forward. Was he waiting for Bucky to say something? Bucky was too scared to say anything. He walked in his stride, trying to contemplate the right words to form, when Zed said, "Look."
Bucky picked up his head, looking at Zed. "What?" Bucky said, his eyes beginning to open as he looked into the distance.
"It's The Wishing Well." Zed smiled and pointed.
Bucky's mind began to fill with memories of the two of them discussing their future together. They had made the plan to visit The Wishing Well only a few weeks ago. It was hard to believe that such a short while ago everything was fine. Bucky felt a pain so deep inside of him that was difficult to comprehend. He didn't understand why the two of them had to have this issue, but he didn't know what to do. "Oh, right."
"Remember when we talked about coming here? Making our wishes and sending them out into the universe together?"
"Yeah." Bucky stared at the ground. He didn't know what to say. "Hey-"
"How about we make wishes now?"
"Oh-" Bucky stammered.
"Only if you want to-"
"Sure." Bucky smiled and his breath relaxed slightly. They made their way toward the wishing well, the slight breeze enveloping them. "So how should we do this? The wish, I mean. Do we need to say things out loud? Throw something in the well?"
"I think? Maybe if we-"
"Here." Bucky pulled out two small pieces of paper from his pocket. They were the movie tickets from one of Zed and Bucky's first few dates. "These should do."
"Okay." Zed accepted the offer and took the ticket into his hands, his fists clenching. "How about we close our eyes?"
"Okay." Bucky said. He turned to the well, clutching his ticket and closing his eyes. His heart was racing. He knew exactly what he wanted to wish for. All he could think about was Zed. Zed's smile. The way he'd get so annoyed when Bucky would try to tie his shoes for him. His voice. The feeling of his arms around his own, his breath going in and out. He missed it all. He needed Zed. He loved him. He loved him. Love. Wow. He couldn't believe it-
Suddenly Zed's mouth was on his. Their eyes remained closed as they began to kiss. Zed wrapped his arms around Bucky and held him close. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you even more."
They began to move toward the tree close to the well and Zed lifted off his jacket. Bucky lay the invisibility cloaks to the side and broke from Zed.
"Zed, I, I need to tell you something."
"Okay," Zed said.
"I, I-" Bucky stammered. "I love you."
Zed stared into his eyes, his heart racing. "I love you too." He smiled, his heart feeling like it was going to explode.
"I'm so sorry Zed, about everything. There's no one I trust in this world more than you." Bucky said.
"I know, it's okay Bucky. I understand. Something like this is a really scary situation. We could get hurt."
"We could. But we'll get through it, together." Bucky held his hands in his own, searching Zed's eyes.
"Together." Zed repeated. His arms began to run down Bucky's back and slowly lifted up his shirt. He wanted him. He wanted him now, tomorrow, forever.

With Bucky, he could never lose. He was always winning with him by his side.

Zucky - A Zombies Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن