Someday (Reprise)

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Zed woke to a bright light surrounding him. Where was he? What happened? The last thing he remembered was seeing Bucky carve into the moonstone. He couldn't remember anything past that. He began to open his eyes fully. His head was pounding. He felt like he had been hit by a bus.
"Zed." He heard Bucky's voice and lifted his head.
"B-Bucky?" He struggled to open his eyes and made out a faint figure. He immediately knew it was Bucky from the faint reflection off of his sequined green Mighty Shrimp jacket.
"Zed. I got so worried. I thought I lost you."
"What happened to the moon-moonstone,"
"It exploded. Zed, it's going to be okay."
"What about the wolves,"
"They know what happened. It's all going to be okay."
"Bucky, please explain-" Zed was cut off and winced at a sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see he was in a hospital bed, covered in bandages. There was a wire in his arm.
"It's okay, Zed. Everything is going to be okay." He kissed Zed on the forehead. "I'm going to be by your side through it all. I promise."
Zed smiled at these words. He looked up and struggled to keep his eyes open. Wow. Bucky looked so beautiful. He had a few scratches on his face, a small bruise on his upper lip. But he was just angelic. He couldn't believe he had gotten so lucky. At first, he thought Bucky and him would never get along. But look at them now. He couldn't imagine his life without him by his side. He wanted to be with him for the rest of his life. He hadn't been so sure about something in a long time. He smiled softly as he looked up into his boyfriend's eyes, then began feeling them close. He drifted off to sleep with his boyfriend standing over him, running his fingers over his green hair.


"We can't thank you enough, Bucky." Wyatt said, grabbing pieces of loose moonstone.
"I know it wasn't ideal, but I'm happy I could get it to you." Bucky smiled. He stood in Seabrook Park, surrounded by the entire werewolf clan. They were picking up pieces of the moonstone to take back to the cave. They would have enough to last them decades. He was so thankful for everything to work out the way it did. At first, when the moonstone exploded, Bucky was terrified. He thought Zed was dead. The authorities had gotten to the scene and took him to be arrested. He explained the entire situation when he got to the station. When they heard the circumstances, they understood, but rested their case. Bucky was stuck in the station for an hour or so, when the mayor came running in. While examining the scene, they found a large surplus of oil underneath the moonstone. The town was going to be rich, and it was all thanks to Bucky.
"We are so thankful for you, Bucky. What can we do to repay you? And let him out of here, The mayor said.
"Well, I wanted to get the moonstone for some friends. The werewolves."
"Werewolves???" The mayor screamed. "There are werewolves???"
"Yes, and they're dying. They need help, and they're great people. Can we help them, please?" Bucky was terrified.
"Please. Remember how the zombies were at first?? Everyone was scared. Fear of the unknown. Well look at them now." Bucky smiled. He thought of Zed.
"Well, okay. But help me find them."
"I can do that." Bucky and the mayor traveled to the wood and found the werewolves, who were on the verge of getting sick. They were all brought to Seabrook Park, and told to gather as much moonstone as they needed. The rest would be made into a sculpture of a heart in the middle of Seabrook Park, but not covering the oil, of course.
"How is Zed?" Willa came up behind Bucky. She smiled.
"He's, he's okay. He's not great now but he is going to recover."
"I can't thank you both enough. You truly saved us. Is there anything we can do?"
"Actually, I think there is." Bucky smiled. He looked into the distance, knowing exactly what to do.

Zucky - A Zombies Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now