Chapter 15 - The Lightning Thief

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Aunt Sally is the best," Thalia said

"She allows the hunters to stay for the night if we need to," Reyna said

"She always has an open door at 3 AM if I have been shadow travelling," Nico said, before getting a panicked look.

"You've been shadow travelling?" Will accused his boyfriend,

"Not very far, barely 500 metres" Nico attempted to defend himself

"3 days in the infirmary, Doctors Orders" Will said sternly

"But- But- But- Fine" Nico conceded, knowing he wouldn't be getting out of it.

"Good," Will said grinning, placing a kiss on Nico's forehead, earning a blush from the Son of Hades.

"When I got home, I was greeted by my awful step-father, Smelly Gabe," Percy spat out

"Sounds like a nick-name a 3-year-old would come up with" Clarisse snickered

"Good, a 3-year-old did come up with it, me" Percy said "His smell was so bad, it covered my scent from monsters. An example of this is from just being in his car for a few hours is enough to cover my scent while interacting with other demigods for 2 weeks."

The Aphrodite girls wrinkled their noses, while Annabeth whispered in his ear "That's why you said down there smelled like him."

Percy nodded and continued his story "My Mum eventually came home, where we went to Montauk"

"Montauk," PJ said wistfully

"There, we stayed part of the night, until Grover came to the cabin, where I saw he was a satyr, and we began our journey to camp" Percy began "On the way there, the car was struck by lightning,"

"Dad!" Thalia and Jason groaned

"Yeah, Grover was knocked unconscious, where me and Mum dragged him out the car and up towards the border. There we turned back and saw the Minotaur. Mum told me to go into camp, but I refused to let her be left behind. The Minotaur eventually caught up to us and grabbed Mum. There he squeezed her, and she disappeared in a flash of light" Percy explained, tears threatening to fall down his face, and was met with pitying looks from the other demigods.

"But, if Sally is dead, then how is she alive in the future?" Piper asked

"You will see," Percy said "I got mad at the Minotaur where I then taunted it into running at me, I would then jump out the way and that was as far as I got in the plan, before it went wrong. The Minotaur, made sure I couldn't jump to the side, so my only option was to jump up, where I managed to land on his head."

"Whoa," Leo said in awe

"I then pulled off the Minotaur's horn and stabbed him with it, killing him. I then dragged Grover to the Big House, where I saw two people. The girl there I remember had blonde hair with princess curls." Percy said, looking at Annabeth, seeing her blush, and those of the past looking at AC. "I also remember her saying that I was the 'one'"

"The one you say?" Thalia asked Annabeth, teasing her

"I didn't mean it like that," Annabeth defended, blushing "But it ended up that way and I am not complaining."

"Good," Percy said, grinning at his fiancée

"When I finally came to, I was reintroduced to Mr Brunner as Chiron as he came to my school for a house call" Percy explained

"House call?" Hestia asked, "Chiron hasn't done a house call since the 1500's"

"That's the potential Grover saw in him. He claimed that initially he would have thought Percy was a weak legacy of a minor god, until Grover tripped into Percy and thought that he had met a minor god" Chiron explained

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