Perhaps it never went away

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"At one hundred, surely you learn to overcome loss and grief - or do they hound you till the bitter end?"

― André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

"Hi, Harry."

Harry looked up from the class schedule he was currently trying to create, to see Luna sitting on the chair that was usually reserved for his students when they visited him during office hours.

He blinked stupidly, startled to find her there since he hasn't even noticed her come in. How long had she been sitting there?

"Um... hello."

"It's so peaceful here, and you've been so lost in your work, I didn't want to interrupt you. But if we don't move now, I fear Draco may bust a vein in his forehead. You know how he is."

Oh. Right. The date.

Harry sighed as he remembered that he had agreed to go on a double date with the two of them and one of Draco's friends. He still wasn't sure why he had done such a thing, since he barely tolerated Draco on the best of days, and he couldn't imagine one of his friends being any better.

On the other hand, Luna was Draco's girlfriend, something he still had a hard time believing, so maybe the man wasn't so bad.

Luna was still sitting there, her big, blue eyes gazing intently somewhere over his shoulder and Harry had to force himself not to turn around and check if something was behind him. There was nothing there or at least nothing he could see.

He jumped to his feet, hurrying through the door in the corner leading to his private rooms, almost falling in his haste to get ready. He may be friends with Malfoy now, but if he had to endure another one of the man's lectures on tardiness, he would curse him. And seeing that Luna loved him for some insane reason, that would be bad.

He took a quick shower before going to his closet to pick out something to wear. That's when he hit a roadblock. He stood there, eyeing his clothes, unsure what would be appropriate. If it were up to him, he would have just thrown on one of his jeans and a t-shirt, something comfortable and cozy. But seeing as this was Malfoy's friend, he had a strong suspicion that wouldn't be well received.

So, after another ten minutes, he decided on one of his work outfits, a button-down shirt, and pants, shrugging his shoulders once he was dressed and standing in front of a mirror.

That's as good as it's gonna get.

He eyed his hair, frowning at the mess but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. So, he didn't even bother, and just threw his cloak on and left his rooms.

"Did you really ride a dragon?"

Harry nodded in answer, his mouth conveniently full of food, not that it really mattered seeing as the man went on, talking his ear off. Harry glared at the blond sitting across from him, the male one since he wasn't even sure Luna would notice, lost in her world as she was.

This was all Malfoy's fault.

At least the man seemed to have realized that this had probably been a mistake, staring at his friend in horror.

The night had started out well enough. They had agreed to meet with Draco's friend, Loui, at the Three Broomsticks for dinner and drinks. The man had already been there, of course, seeing as they were late because of Harry, something Draco was quick to point out, but Loui didn't seem to mind.

Rosemerta was quick to give them a table in a corner, away from the crowd, and they ordered food and drinks. That's when the torture started.

It turned out that Loui was nothing like Malfoy; he was much, much worse. And seeing as Malfoy had been his nemesis for the better part of Harry's life, that was saying something.

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