Chapter 45 - Family

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10 Years Later —

The years have passed rather quickly since the travelers were sat fire too. Liz had been turned into a cold one on that very night while Bonnie and Elijah had gotten married in their own version of a shotgun wedding (half way across the world). Stefan and Bekah had continued dating for a time before they decided to get formally married as well (it was of course a very large and stylish wedding).

Klaus, Damon, Alaric and I had went on our binge after the travelers were removed. Our binge however wasn't a wedding, but it was a mix of blood, sex and of course, healing. The pact made from the TIA was helpful and made peace keeping much easier. We were able to get the curse on the wolves of New Orleans removed and Marcel runs the quarter in his own unique way while not having to worry about the witches and vampires going to head to head or trying to murder each other.

Most of our time has been spent traveling and living life how we want to, aside from a few supernatural groups that pop up every few years wanting to pick a fight or start some kind of supernatural war.

Rolling over onto my side I close my eyes as we lay against each other. "So, do you still plan on opening that bakery?" Damon asks me curiously.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were going to do that." Alaric says quietly as Klaus gets out of the bed and walks towards his phone with a frown on his face while he types.

I shrug my shoulders and yawn. "I don't know, we've been traveling and we are constantly on the go, running a business would mean managing it and keeping it running. Then of course making sure no one realizes the owner hasn't aged in however many years passes you know?"

"We could start a franchise and manage it from a distance. You could teach people your recipes that you want used for the business and set up the policies, we can make sure none of us are mentioned so that we can stay under the radar while you make sure everything continues to run smoothly."

"Maybe, but I'm not sure I have the desire to do it anymore. I still love baking, of course. It's just.."

"You're different then you were." Niklaus says with a nod as the others hum in thought. "Change happens love. Things rarely stay the same. Unless you get stuck in your ways.. like some of us."

"But even we have changed." Damon says with a shrug of his shoulders. "We're not as.. unhinged."

"Speak for yourselves man.." Alaric says with a small chuckle. "I think I became a bit more unhinged after we all met."

"Well," Klaus adds with a slightly amused smirk. "We do still enjoy a good rampage every now and again don't we?"

"I'm pretty sure at least three of the last ten years was spent with us partaking in rampages." I say with a small chuckle. "But, I suppose we can try to figure something out for a bakery franchise or something. It could be fun.. a bit less, killing and destruction."

"We could still kill stuff.. except when your mom visits perhaps, she does get all Cullen like now."

"She did marry him you know."

"Better her then me."

"No shit, that Edward and Bella, then that uh... Jake guy. The others aren't so bad though."

"The bunny lectures are frustrating as fuck though." Damon says with a frown.

Klaus nods. "They don't have the right flavor, and it's not sustainable for us. But then, we don't have to kill all of our meals.. if we don't want to."

"They could use blood bags instead though."

"Exactly!" Alaric says happily. "Hell, they could have a whole blood bank supply and just tell everyone is tomato juice or something."

"Maybe we should start a blood bank, but have it be for cold ones to get their .. food? Kind of."

"Blood bank bakery for the undead?" I suggest. "I can see it now, blood coffee, blood muffins, blood bread, blood cappuccinos.. bloody Mary's. .."

"Let's do it. It could be a undead bar with a side of bakery!" Damon says excitedly. "What? I want to run a bar.."


And I'm going to end this story here.

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