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"Here's the uniform you'll be wearing." Abby shoves the clothes in my hands. She's never been very gentle. "Be ready in 5 minutes and a taxi will pick you up to drive you up to the manor." She spits. As soon as she turns around I wipe my face.

"Moody cow." I mutter under my breath. I go into the spare room, which is right next to the toilet, and get changed.

It's worse then my uniform. Just a scratchy white shirt and itchy tights with the shortest skirt that one size to small. I feel ridiculous.

If I could take professor Lupin's boggart class again this is what I'd picture Lucius Malfoy wearing. I know, pathetic that I'm scared of my own boyfriends father but there was just something about him that scared me. Something he later proved to me was right.

"ARE YOU DONE YET?!" I hear Abby yell as she almost breaks down the door with the boulders she calls fists.

"Yes!" I yell back as I pin my hair back in the same way as the picture Elena had helpfully given me. It's how the family always wanted the waitresses to wear their hair, like an unspoken rule I'd never heard about.

As soon as I'm done I open the door and Abby almost pushes me all the way to the taxi till I fall in.

I'd forgotten how every wizard car felt like a death trap they way they all bounced around and you somehow hit your face on every window, door and even the roof.

The driver comes to a stop and I bounce off the seat in-front of me.

"Thank you. You lunatic." I mutter the last bit to myself. He speeds off and honestly a part of me fears for the next persons life.

I look up at the manor. It's massive. All dark and mysterious, like something you only see in a story or a painting but can never find.

I see all the other servants go around the back. Of course. Snobs always want you to go though the back if you don't look like you've walked out the displays of those stupidly expensive shops with all the jewels.

I'm greeted by a scary looking man who pushes me into the kitchen where in handed a pallet of food as another person ties an apron to me whilst another person tells me all the things NOT to do (basically everything) and then before I can collect myself I'm shoved out the door into a room full of snobs.

They look at me like I'm diseased or something. I knew I wasn't going to be the most popular person here but blimey.

I have to make sure my spell is working before I carry on. Yep every one who could be a threat sees 'Gracie Hart'. My made up identity. The short brown hair. The dark blue eyes that aren't too noticeable. Even my lips change and my subtle freckles become much more noticeable and more appear.

Only the person I'm hiding from sees me like this. Everyone else sees me but doesn't know me.

And if they do it's probably from a newspaper saying I was expelled from Hogwarts after doing some horrible thing. Which isn't true but I can't ever tell anyone why I had to leave.

"Attention everyone." I hear a man say and everyone turns to look. I'm quite close to the front and he looks directly at me. I hold my breath in fear they'll recognise me and make a scene. But he skips past me and I let it go.

"As you all know we're here to celebrate the engagement of my Daughter Sabrina Doray." A girl with strawberry blonde hair in some big fancy ball down walks out. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"And of course the heir to this beautiful house and fortune. The honourable, Draco Malfoy." My heart stops.

WHAT? Draco? My Draco? He walks out and just the sight of him brings tears to my eyes. The walls are closing in. The people's clapping and chatter becomes a blur. I feel sick.

Then without knowing I accidentally dropped the platter I was holding and the room goes silent and the crowd moves so I'm on show.

And our eyes meet. He's hardly even changed. The same hair I'd run my hands through every day. His shining grey eyes seemed darker. His eyes looked more tired. I look at his face of shock and hurt.

I can feel my cheeks burning red as the tears in my eyes grow. Next thing I know I'm running out with security chasing after me.

All I heard was Lucius yelling "someone grab her." I knew it was only to tell me off. He probably didn't even remember me. So I had no choice but To run. But I quickly forgot that I had absolutely no idea where I was going until I got grabbed by the arm and dragged into a dark room.

Slytherins' missing girl (draco malfoy) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя