Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

George POV:

The Gryffindor Common room was celebrating after the Quidditch tryouts. The twins were handing out butter beers that they brought in from a secret passageway that went from the kitchen to Hogsmeade. George put one into Ron's hand. "Drink up, Ronald! It's time to celebrate."

"Honestly! Gryffindor Keeper. Way to go! Mum will be so proud." Fred patted his younger brother on the back which made him blush deeply.

The other Gryffindors were roaring and congratulating Ron has he walked by. Lee Jordan had turned on the radio and music was blaring through the tower room. George looked over as Ron ran towards the entrance way. "Harry! I did it! I'm Keeper!"

The Gryffindor Seeker looked at his best friend and forced a smile on his face. "Brilliant!"

"Have a butterbeer, Harry!" George said and handed a bottle to Harry.

"Where'd Hermione gone?" Harry asked looking around the common room for his other best friend.

"She fell asleep..." Fred motioned his head towards the fireplace where Hermione was passed out still holding the butterbeer in her hand.

Ron frowned. "She seemed happy when I told her, why doesn't she want to celebrate. Perhaps we should wake her?"

George put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Let her sleep."

Ron looked at him with confusion. "Why do you care if Hermione stays asleep or not?"

He searched his head for an answer. He didn't have a good one. He cared for Hermione and she had been exhausted lately. Fred clapped the back of his back and raised his eyebrows. "The Weasley products, of course. First years have been lining up for a sickle or two to try some of the prototypes out. She would flip if she found out about what was going on."

George smiled at his twin who always knew what to say in the right time. "Yea, what Freddie said."

Fred leaned into Harry's ear. "He needs practice. Angelina let him on the team, but she wasn't pleased with his form and his knowledge. You need to work with him."

George leaned in and added. "We can't say anything because he won't listen to us, maybe his best mate..."

"I'll work on it." Harry said abruptly.

The twins dropped the subject and their goofy smiles returned to their faces. "It's a party everyone! Let's celebrate." The roars filled the room again and George turned to see if Hermione had stirred.

"Take first watch. I'll keep handing out products and taking notes on the side effects." Fred winked at George.

George sat down in the armchair next to Hermione's and watched the muggle-born girl sleep peacefully. He hadn't noticed when she was awake, but she had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and stress. He was wondering and feeling guilty if Fred and he were to cause for some of that stress.

He leaned forward and removed the butterbeer bottle from her hands as it threatened to spill out over her lap. "Honestly, Hermione you have to take better care of yourself."

The girl stirred in her sleep and her eyelids fluttered open slightly. "Ron?"

"Sorry to disappoint. Wrong Weasley. Want me to get him?" George offered.

She shook her head. "Not taking his job seriously." She sighed still half asleep.

"Who's not taking his job seriously?"

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