Chapter 1

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 For the first time ever, my life was on the line. I followed the footsteps of the trail until they led to the spot. The spot where I would solve the case. I was so nervous that I was uncontrollably sweating. Yet, I had to keep my body temperature in check. I couldn't mess this up. Solve this case and I can go back to my life! Unfortunately, I ran into an unexpected problem.

"Oh shit!" I mumbled softly with a shocking fear in my eyes.

5 Days Earlier...

The story of how I became a detective started with a knock at the door of my loft. I woke up to the sound of the repeated, loud knocks and live lofi music playing on my TV in the background that I left on before I fell asleep.

"Damn it! Who is it?" I asked loudly in my sleepy voice.

There was no answer. My phone began vibrating from a missed call as if I didn't have enough to deal with already. So, eventually, I forced myself out of bed one foot at a time. Just as my last foot was coming to the floor, I accidentally kicked over my unfinished mango-flavored wine cooler.

"Ughhhhh." I uttered disappointedly.

For some extreme reason, whoever was at my damn door wouldn't stop knocking.

"Zale, open up! It's obvious you're in there." An unfamiliar voice echoed throughout the loft.

I slipped on my grey sweatpants, some socks, and a sleeveless, blue tank top. Didn't want to look like an asshole answering the door. Just after twisting the door open, there was a Russian man dressed in a fancy, gray tuxedo with atrous colored shoes. Apparently, he had lost his mind barging in my loft without my permission.

"Look man, we have a job for you. It's urgent business! So, get fresh and meet me downstairs in forty-five minutes." The Russian man spoke seriously as he grabbed an apple from my kitchen table.

"HOLD UP! Who the hell are you?" I questioned him curiously with a stern look.

The Russian man was standing at least six feet tall with pale white skin and muscles built like an army veteran.

"My name is Simon. I work as the head of security at the courthouse downtown. Any more questions?" Simon the Russian answered honestly.

Hearing those words had kind of put me on edge a bit. But Simon didn't know that. I hadn't worked in two years and I wasn't looking for work either. In fact, I didn't need to. Just enjoying my loft, wine coolers, and me time was all I needed. I didn't require any money.

"Uhm, here's the thing. I didn't apply for any security job on Indeed so you can leave. Wrong Zale!" I explained to Simon as I signaled him to leave.

Then, Simon held up his hand.

"No, no, no! We never get any incorrect information." Simon spoke honestly.

I took a deep breath to keep from losing my cool. This guy just wouldn't leave me be.

"Like I said, we have a job for you. Forty-five minutes or else!" Simon continued in a more serious tone.

Then, it made me wonder. I looked at him directly in his eyes. He wasn't taking no for an answer. It's not possible! He couldn't know about that. If he did, he could have me requested at any time.

"Or else what? I haven't done anything wrong." I mentioned hoping he would believe me.

Suddenly, he smirked and pulled a videotape out of his suit's jacket pocket.

"This tape would say otherwise, but if you want to spend your life in prison instead of taking a one-time job, that's your choice." Simon insisted as he left out my loft at his own pace.

I closed the door behind him and without hesitation, I hopped in the shower to freshen up as soon as I could. Little did I know I was going on a new journey for my life.

"Well, it better not be a suicide job...Especially if I'm not getting paid." I whispered to myself.

33 Minutes Later

Finally, after a good shower and a fresh outfit, I go downstairs and there Simon was sitting in his car waiting for me to get in the car.

"I knew you'd make the right decision. Get in." Simon commanded boldly.

"Wasn't like I had an incentive choice." I replied sarcastically as I walked to the passenger side.

I opened the door of Simon's black, BMV car. Off we drove to the courthouse to discuss whatever job I was about to take on. As we made our way downtown, I decided to interrogate the Russian cop a little.

"So, I'm curious...What is this job you speak of?" I questioned curiously in a different tone.

There was no way I was taking this job without any information. Plus, it was awkward enough riding with a stranger who just threatened my freedom.

"You sure ask a lot of questions. I can see why Imani picked you."

"Imani? Who is she?" I continued with more questions.

"She'll explain everything. Trust me, if you take the job you won't have anything to worry about, Zale!" Simon responded calmly.

From the vibe I was getting, I didn't sense any lie in his words. Even before he when he pulled out the videotape. There was only one explanation of how he got it. Either way, I knew I had to get it back from him. Hopefully, they didn't make a copy.

"We'll see." I mentioned clearly.


After making it downtown, Simon and I got inside the courthouse to get on the elevator. Simon pressed the button to go to the third floor.

"You're a lucky man, Zale. Not all criminals getaway like you did." Simon announced boldly.

"I did what I had to do." I replied hopefully to kill the conversation.

It's funny how he brought up my past again at this moment. Any man would have done it if they were in my position. Simon just shook his head like I was a monster.

"If it was up to me, I'd have you arrested and locked away. Me like you think you can commit a crime and get away without facing the consequences." Simon continued with an angry look on his face.

The elevator stopped and the doors began to open slowly.

"Don't hate me cause my life is better than yours! Besides, why am I not in jail?" I responded strongly.

Simon's attention went from me to the open doors of the elevator. Not a word came out of his mouth.

"Because we know what you're capable of." A woman added after I looked out the elevator.

She was standing there waiting the whole time. It had to be her. Imani! The woman who was behind the call for me to do a job. I would finally get the information I'd been curious about for the past hour.

"I believe he's onboard, Imani." Simon spoke to her.

"Told you so, now follow me." Imani demanded as she stared me down.

Her voice sounded innocent and relaxed. She was from the North with an accent like that. More than likely, I'd guess she was from California. Not knowing what to say, I followed her and Simon to a room to have a more confidential discussion. 

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