December 1st: I'm Not feeling the Christmas Spirit this Year (Rini)

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A/N: This story is going to be sad. I don't want all of my stories to be happy and fluffy. The reality that we live in is not the same as the one that we see on TV. I like that HSMTMTS is able to show a little bit of the reality vs. expectations of high schoolers. I'm sorry if it sounds choppy, I wrote this a while ago. More stories to come through the month.

Nini's POV:

On the first day of December of every year my moms and I always put up the Christmas tree and made a list of things that we wanted to do before Christmas. This Christmas was going to be even better than last year. I was going to invite all of my theatre friends to a holiday party and get them all gifts.

I had my perfect social circle and didn't need anything else. Ok... maybe I did want one thing. I wanted to make sure that Ricky would have the best Christmas ever because he has been through so much this year between our breakup and his parents' divorce. I just want to see him happy again.


I got out of bed and got dressed into a red cotton sweater and corduroy pants since it was starting to get cold here. After doing my morning routine and putting on some mascara I ran down the stairs to see Mama C that Mama C was already taking out the Christmas ornaments boxes from the basement.

I was getting so excited for tonight since tonight is the first Christmas Salazar-Roberts tree decorating night with Ricky as my boyfriend, well I have not told him yet, but I assume he will want to come. The past few years he always came and helped decorate but he would always eat all the snacks first and then complain and to really help. I got to admit that It was really cute sometimes when he just sat there watching Moms and I hang up ornaments.

"Mama C, can I invite Ricky over tonight?" I asked while I got a granola bar to eat for breakfast form the kitchen.

"Of course, sweetie Ricky is welcome here anytime." Mama C said from the living room.

"Mama we're dating. Are you sure you don't mind? I promise we will help decorate and not do anything we shouldn't do." I asked again biting my nails nervously.

"Yes, I am sure Nini. We are Ricky's second home. Don't run late to school. Bye lovebug."

"Bye Mama C, don't start decorating till I get home!" I said as a blew my mom kisses.

I got into my used Red Honda Civic, named Cherry and started driving to school. I drove carefully making sure not to speed knowing that I would I needed to get to the lobby five minutes early, so that I could find Ricky and tell him about the special even tonight.

When I Finally found a parking spot in the senior lot. I looked at the time and saw that I had four minutes to spare until my first class. I ran over to where Ricky's locker was and found him talking to Big Red.

I decided to surprise him since he still didn't notice me standing across the hall. I quietly walked behind him and got on my tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek since he was so much taller than me. Big Red watched the whole time and coughed in disgust.

"Good morning Nins." Ricky said to me while kissing me lightly and yawning tiredly.

"Morning sleepy head. Ricky, do you have any plans tonight?" I said to him happily while watching my phone for the time.

"No, why?" He said while holding my hand and waving to Big Red with the other.

"Do you want to come help my moms and I put up our tree and decorate it tonight?" I asked him.

"Can I think about? I have a lot of homework to do for my one AP class." Ricky said while picking up his backpack ignoring me.

"Of course, you can. Just text me your reply after school and I can drive you to my house if you need. See you at Lunch." I replied and then kissed him on the cheek again.

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